7 - Country Star Surprises

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I went into the bathroom and tried to make it look like I didn't just cry. I even used make up. Within five minutes I was ready to go downstairs. I even changed my shirt to a long sleeved flannel because I knew if I wasn't around the fire I was going to get cold. When I went downstairs Luke was grabbing the snacks and laying them out. I walked in with a smile on my face. I noticed Jason and Jess were also there. I said Hi to them and hugged Jess.

"Damn girl, you lookin good. Country boy's gonna wanna pick you up." She winked at me. I just laughed.
"If they can handle this." I said striking a slight pose. We both laughed and I heard Luke laugh. Jess pointed at him.
"That's the same pose he does." Jess said. He smiled wide.
"I guess I rub off on people." He said proud getting back to doing what he was doing. I tried helping and he shook his finger at me. "You're off. Just talk to Jess. I got this." I just stared for a few seconds then gave him a smile and walked back to Jess.

We all talked in the kitchen till more people came along. Within the next two hours a whole bunch of people got there. Jason and Luke got to starting the huge fire and putting trucks up. I let Luke drive my truck putting it so people could sit on it. Jess and I helped bring out cups and what not for people. It was a nice night to have a bonfire. There was music playing. I saw people dancing and hanging around. I was talking to Jess and another girl name Katie when Luke grabbed my hand. He then introduced me to a bunch of people.
It took forever to get introduced because people kept up having conversations. Not once was who I was to Luke came out. No one asked. They just smiled at us. I was drinking more than I was use to and probably was really buzzed during the end of it. Drinking Budweiser and having shots was not the best idea for me to try and just stay closer to sober than anything. I ended up not caring because I was having a wonderful time. Luke let me go off back to the girls. The music varied between pop, to country, to rock, and alternative. Jess danced in place to one song making Katie and I laugh.
The night didn't feel like it was going on so long but when I realized it probably was close to midnight. The girls and I were dancing now. I was drunk and didn't care. Some guys came around to dance. We did have two chicks join us. A song came on that I loved to death. Jason came over and danced with Jess. Katie had some guy I forget his name. Then the other few people either danced alone or with someone. I didn't care. I had fun by myself.

I soon felt someone touch me which turned me around. It was Luke. He smiled and grabbed my hand. He then started to dance which made me continue dancing. We danced together through the whole song. He did some moves which made me giggle like I use to when I was younger. The song ended and he stared down at me with a huge smile on his face. I had one right back at him looking up at him. This little staring was ruined by Jason. He got us both to come inside to do shots. They weren't not just any normal shots some were body shots.

Everyone was standing next to each other with a shot of their choice. I was standing next to Luke and Jess. We all took our shots and then the body shots came. Katie went on the counter and had someone do some off her in different spots. A few more people went then I felt a hand on my back. I looked over and it was Luke pointing to the counter. I raised my eye brow then he winked and I realized he meant for me to go up there.

"Oh, no. I'm not letting someone do shots off me." I said. He laughed.
"It's not like you don't know them. I'll do them off you. Come on, it'll be fun and an experience." He gave me such a cute sad face. I gave in and got up on the counter. I took off my flannel leaving me in my tank top. I laid back and Luke had a bottle of Captain in his hand and he was standing next to me. He slowly moved up my tank top so my stomach was exposed. He then poured the liquid on my belly. I tried not to move much not wanting it to go all over.
"Count down!" Jess yelled. I looked at Luke and then her.
"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, SHOT!" everyone yelled. Luke then was taking the shot. It felt so weird yet erotic in some way. His hot breath went onto my wet stomach as he stood back up. Everyone yelled. He then helped me down. Katie then handed me a shot. I thought I was to take it when she pointed to my boobs.
"Oh no. He has one shot left. From those puppies." She said grabbing the shot and sticking it in my cleavage. I looked at Luke. He looked right at my boobs then at me. He smirked and I couldn't help but smirk back. "I have a shot for you after he does this. Come on! COUNT DOWN!" Then everyone counted down again. Luke's face was soon right in my chest grabbing the glass with his mouth and taking back the shot. Katie handed me mine and I took mine. We set out glasses down on the counter and just looked at each other.
"Woo! That was hot!" Some guy yelled and everyone clapped. I was drunk as hell now. I was lightheaded from drinking and from the fact that Luke took two body shots from me. After a few more shots people did, I was being pulled outside by Luke back to the bonfire for another beer and more dancing. Luke and I were soon torn apart by his friends. He looked back at me while one of his guy friends had him come over to the other side of the fire. I looked around and found Jess talking to someone. She saw me and smiled.
"Girl, I'm so surprised you did them." She laughed. I shook my head and laughed too.
"I couldn't help but try it once. Ya know?"
"I recon. You and Luke look like you're a thing. Ya'lls are cute. Right Miranda?" She said looking over to the other chick.
"Oh yeah, are ya'lls two, ya know, a thing?" She asked. I shook my head no.
"If I was you before a woman jumps on the opportunity, claim his ass. He sure looks at you like you're his. That look he gave you before taking the shot out your tits was oh man. He wants you." She winked. I laughed.
"I have to agree. If I didn't love Jason and Luke was after me if I was single. I'd go for it. He is a great man. Good father. I don't know about performance." Jess nudged me. We all laughed.
"When you find out let us know. I got Blake and let me tell you, if he knew Luke was better than him, he would probably try some crazy shit."
"If Luke can perform great on stage and dance the way he does, I think he got the moves. You'll have fun girl. Trust me." Jess winked too.
"Stage?" I asked them. They looked at me confused.
"You don't know he… you have no clue what he does for a living?" Miranda asked.
"Hunts? Owns a company?" I asked them. They looked at each other and laughed. Jess put her hand on my shoulder.
"Honey, he is a country singer, along with Jason, and Blake, and Miranda here. You're hanging out with famous people sweetheart. Luke is Luke Bryan. The man famous for All My Friends Say, and Do I, and Rain is a good thing."I shook my head no in complete shock. I had no clue this was Luke Bryan I was working for. That I just had body shots taken from. I loved his songs but never really cared about looking him up or seeing what he looked like. I was always too busy.
"Does he know you have no clue he is famous?" Miranda asked me I shook my head no. "My advice. Treat him the same. Don't treat him like he is famous. Just like any of us out here. Hell Toby Keith is over there and I sure as hell know you aughta know who he is." I looked to where she was pointing and of course I did know who he was.
"Holy shit. I'm blind." they laughed.
"Hey look, Luke's coming back for you." Jess winked nudging me and moving her head to where I looked and saw Luke walking over.
"Like I said. Performance." Miranda laughed.
"What performance?" Luke asked walking up standing next to me. He was obviously drunk and so was I. I felt nervous now. Shit.
"Oh, we were just talking about stage performances. I think Nikki could dance better than you Luke." Miranda said.
"Maybe. She does like doing that while cooking." he said putting his hand on my back. I looked up at him and he winked. How am I gonna play this off? Shit.
"That's not the only time I'm good at dancing." I said. He raised an eye brow.
"Well, you were good when you danced with me. Maybe you should dance some more. People will join. Maybe I'll join you again." He smirked.
"There you go. Come on. I'll get Jake to put on a dance song." Miranda said walking away. Shit shit shit shit. No! Now I'm nervous knowing he is famous. David and Kara weren’t. He just owned things. Now I'm living with a famous man. A hot one at that who can sing.
"Come on." Luke said grabbing my hand moving towards the truck that was playing the music.
"Luke, I can't dance that well. I drank too much!" I said as we walked towards there with me fallowing him, hand in hand.
"Oh, I drank too much too but ill dance. Don't get shy on me now." He smiled back at me.

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