31 - Surprise Mommy

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The sun was setting and my brother and I were sitting at a table. I was brought out of our conversation by hearing crying. I looked over seen Bo on the ground and Tater trying to help him up. Jason's girls were just watching. I saw Luke and he was starting to head over. I got up and went over quickly. Luke beat me to him. He started pushing away Luke.

I looked at Bo and it looked like he scrapped his knee bad. The other one wasn't so bad. I looked and saw he must of fell over this log onto the rocks. That really must have hurt him. He was crying hard. Luke grabbed him off the ground and he kept saying things. I got closer and Luke looked at me with a shocked face.

"NO! I WANT MOMMY! NOO!" Bo yelled. I looked at Luke and we both looked in shock.

"Bo calm down. You know mommy ain't around." Luke said shocked and unknowing what to do. Bo was starting to kick.

"NO I WANT MOMMY!" He screamed and cried. Luke tried holding him but he kept pushing away to where it was hard for Luke. Luke looked hopeless. I looked next to me where Patrick was and he looked at me. "MOMMY!" Bo yelled crying harder than before. His face was so red.

"Bo. Daddy's here. It's alright." Luke tried to sooth him but Bo pushed his face away. Luke looked hurt and sad. "Shh. It'll be okay." Luke tried again but Bo yelled over him.

"I WANT NIKKI!" He yelled crying. My eyes opened wide. He wanted me. Luke looked at me in disbelief. He was so shocked and I walked over to Bo and grabbed him from Luke's arms. He cried feeling himself move.

"Shh baby boy. It's alright. I got you." I said softly putting my head on his. He kept crying.

"Mommy." He cried holding onto me. He didn't yell he said it in his normal cry.

"It's okay Bobo. I got you. It'll be okay. Shhh." I said kissing his forehead and moving back and forth with him. His crying quieted a little bit. I looked up at Luke who looked at me with a shocked and confused face.  "Come on sweetheart. Let's go fix your leg up." I said walking with him.

His tiny sobs were quiet as he held onto me. He did nod in response to me. I walked up to Jess asking her to show me the bathroom with all the cleaning a cut stuff. She nodded and did. I set him on the counter as he started that sniffling sucking in air thing. I hushed him. I told him when things would sting and hurt a little worse but I had to clean his cuts. I did that and he whined. I couldn't help but put a sad face on. I was still shocked he cried for mommy and he meant me.

I finally finished with his legs. I wiped his tears off his face and fixed his hair. I looked at him in the face and smiled asking him if it was any better. He nodded and sniffed a few times. I picked him off the counter and kissed his head. He put his head in my neck as I carried him back out. Everyone was back to normal and the kids were still playing. He didn't want to play right now so I went and sat on a chair with him in my lap. My stomach growled and Bo giggled at it because of how loud it was. I laughed by how he was giggling. He then poked my belly. When I looked up from him laughing Luke was standing there smiling.

"Hey." he said. I smiled at him and he sat next to me.

"Hey." He looked at Bo.

"You alright BoBo?" Luke asked. Bo looked at him and nodded smiling. "Did you eat yet?" Luke asked me.

"No. Was talking to Pat got so caught up." Luke frowned then looked at Bo.

"I'll get both of you some food. Stay put." he said getting up. When he got back he had gotten me a rib, and a burger. Then Bo got a rib and a hotdog. Luke put Bo's food in front of him and mine in front of me. Luke then looked at Bo. "Can daddy pick you up now?" Bo looked at him and nodded. Luke got him off my lap so he would eat on his.

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