9 - Florida Fun

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I was waked up by Luke. He was sitting up shaking my shoulder. I looked up at him and he smiled. I looked at the clock and it said 3. I groaned and sighed. He chuckled at that. I glared at him. I really hated the EARLY wake ups. 6 is normal for me but 3 is too much. I got out of bed and back to my room getting dressed. Luke met me in my room and grabbed my bag. He locked up the house and we were taken in a Taxi to the airport where we checked in and then were off.

The plane ride was quick. We got there and out of the airport by 7. We were then taken to our hotel where Luke surprised me by making us share a room that was a suit with a king sized bed. Around 10 we were picked up again and taken to his first interview. I got to sit off to the side and watch it happen. This really interested me. I would like to do this instead of being a nanny maid.

"I'm Larry Jones, and I'm here with the famous Luke Bryan. Thank you for taken time and doing this interview for 97.3 Country Town." Larry said.
"It's my pleasure. I always love doing interviews for various places." Luke smiled. Larry nodded.
"So how do you like your last few months off before this tour?"
"I'm enjoying it. Within the next three weeks everything will be ready to go for my three month tour. I get to spend time with the boys, family, and friends." Larry smiled.
"Tour must be hard to go on leaving them all behind?"
"Oh it is. I miss my boys a whole bunch. Most of my friends either tour with me or I keep in contact enough. My parent's I do miss a lot but when holidays come around I treasure them because I always get to see them."
"After this tour it's said that you're doing a new album?"
"Yes, I have already been looking through lyrics for a consideration of what could possibly go on it."
"So we are possibly going to see an album by next summer?"
"Yes. That is what I aim for. Spring break 3 is coming up next year too so hopefully by then I'm mostly done recording." Larry nodded.
"I have some fan questions for you to answer."
"Ask away Larry." Luke said putting his hands on his jeans. He looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back. This was interesting. I was in such a trance of loving this type of environment.
"Okay, first is from MissMaryB on twitter asks, what is your favorite dance move since we all know you like to dance."
"I uh. Well I don't know what my moves are called so I'll just say shaking it. Grinding it probably?" Luke laughed. "I do like Michael Jackson moves but I also like the art of slow dancing surprisingly from my performances."
"Julzforlife asks, Do you ever think you'll come to Pennsylvania soon?"
"Well this next tour comes very close to there. Hopefully after my next album comes out I can promise a Pennsylvania stop."
"KarrenBarks asks, do you have a girlfriend or love interest right now?" Luke smiled and laughed.
"I get that question an awful lot. Even at meet and greets its asked at least 10 times. My answer is, people will be able to tell when I'm taken or I'm single. I mainly focus on my boys so it's up to the fans to really think if I have a significant other at the moment. Sorry ladies." Luke smirked. He looked over at me real quick.
"Last question, HarrisonFordmont asks, I'm coming to this farm tour, will you be playing Baby's on the way?"
"That could come up in the list. I am not certain yet but when you come out, you never know.  I do love playing that song." Luke said.
"Well thank you Mr. Bryan. It was a pleasure to have you here."
"Pleasure's all mine."
"So hopefully next time I can get an interview with you, you're new album will have been released and we can see what wonderful things you bring to the country community then. Till next time Country Town fans." Larry said. The camera man turned off the camera. Luke got up and shook Larry's hand. "Thanks again Luke."
"No problem. You know how to reach me if you have anything further."
"Yes. So you're staying in Florida for a little bit?"
"Yeah, I have an interview tomorrow and a show the next day to fill in for so I'm kind of booked for small amounts of time. Going to enjoy today and tomorrow as much as I can."
"Well enjoy yourself. Hopefully you won't get too many crazed fans." Luke said coming over to me with a smile on his face. "Ready?" I nodded. "See you later Larry."
"Bye Luke and?" Larry asked coming to shake my hand.
"Nikki." I said and he shook my hand.  He nodded.

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