47 - Chandler Buck Bryan

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The nurses took my son away from me so they could weigh him, measure him, and make sure everything was okay. They also had to get me cleaned up showed up and then back in my room. All of that felt like it took forever. Luke had to go get cleaned up and out of his scrubs.

When we got back to the room they made sure that the baby would breastfeed and that it was all wrapped up. We were going to be in the hospital for about two days to make sure everything was going to go right. I also had to make sure everything was going to be fine with me since he had to become a c section baby.

When I was done doing everything and everyone was allowed back in the room, they let the whole brigade back. Jess, Jason, Steve, Mama, Papa, Miranda, Tate, Bo, and Blake. I let Luke hold onto our son while everyone came in. Bo and Tate both ran over to their father and were asking 101 questions. I laughed as Mama and Papa came closer to him and the rest went to the other side of my bed. Miranda had tears in her eyes and Jess was smiling wide. She looked at me and walked over to my bed. She hugged me nicely.

"Look at you. You're now a mama. How does it feel?" Jess asked all happy.

"Wonderful. This is really new to me but I love it so far. I love it more than being pregnant." I said and she laughed.

"Being able to hold the baby for the first time is the best feeling in the world. Is this the first time Luke is really holding him?" Jess asked and I nodded. Steve came up next to us after hearing that.

"That's why he won't let go of him and let your mother in law hold him. He may have two but with each one it doesn't get old, it's new every time." Steve put in his input.

"As of right now I'd love another one. I'm going to wait a while before even bringing it up to Luke.' They both nodded.

"So what did you name him?" Jess asked loud enough for everyone to hear. I looked at Luke and he looked at me and he came closer to me and handed the baby over so everyone on that side of the room could see him.

"Well, Luke and I really loved the name Chandler. So we named him that but the middle name was from the boys. They chose Buck. Everyone, meet Chandler Buck Bryan." I said smiling and looked down at Chandler.
"The name we have up on the wall is what we are gonna call him. Buck." Luke said smiling wider. Tate and Bo both looked at us.

"Buck." Tate said pointing at Buck. Luke picked him up so he could see Buck.

"That's your new baby brother." Luke told him. Tate looked at me to him and smiled.

"Buck." Tate said nodding.

"I wanna see him." Bo said.

"Luke take Buck so you can sit down and they can see him." I said.

Luke did exactly what I said. Watching the boys look at him and smile and Bo was talking to Tate saying he looked just like this when he was born. I thought that was the most adorable thing. Tate tried touching him but Luke said he can't touch him till he washes his hands so Mama brought the boys into the bathroom to wash their hands. Steve brought over a chair so it was in front of Luke.

Each boy took a turn holding Buck. Bo was of course first and I had my phone out and snapped so many pictures of Bo looking at Buck, and smiling with him. He was as photogenic as his father. Tate was next and it looked even cuter. He stared at him then smiled down real quick. I tried to capture that one and hoped that I did. Then they were both in the chair together and the baby was being held by Bo and Tate had his arm around Bo. It was so adorable. I would use this as a Christmas card.

After that we did let other people hold him and take pictures. I was exhausted by time we got around to Steve being the last one. It was actually only Steve and I in the room together because Luke walked out the boys and his parents. Steven looked over at me and I could see his eyes were watery but he wouldn't shed a tear.

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