17 - I'm Gonna Miss You

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I was woke up by the sound of knocking on the door. I looked at Luke who was still sleeping. Then the knocking happened again. I was going to get up then I realized that I didn't have anything but the dress to put on. Maybe it would be best if he got the door. I sat up slightly and shook him.

"Luke, someone's knocking."
"Tell them to go away." he groaned turning to face me.
"I can't answer the door like this." His eyes opened and looked at me.
"I wouldn't have a problem if you did." He smirked. I giggled and shook my head.
"Dang it Luke, answer the door." He huffed.
"Put on my shirt. It's long enough to cover everything. It's probably Sarge or Michael dropping off our clothes I asked him to last night." I sighed. I got out of bed and found my underwear. The knocking happened again. I looked back at Luke who was now laying their eyes closed and arm over my side. I put on my underwear and found his shirt.  He was right it was long enough. I buttoned it up enough and went to the door. When I opened it there stood Sarge. He smiled and had a bag in his hand.
"Here's what Luke asked for. He still sleeping?" I nodded. He laughed. "Tell him to be back at the bus in two hours. He does have a show tonight."
"I'll make sure we get there." Sarge smirked.
"At least he has you to keep him in line. Ya'lls may have had fun but now it's time to work again." I blushed.  "See you on the bus." He said waving and walking away. I shut the door with the bag in my other hand and walked back to the bed plopping it on his feet. He groaned.
"Why me?" he said frowning. I went to his side sitting on the side of the bed. His eyes opened and he looked at me. Still frowning.
"Because Sarge said play is over, it's time for work." He huffed still frowning. "Aww come on. Get up." I said patting his stomach. He shook his head putting his arm over his eyes.
"One more hour please." he said.
"Oh come on their rock star. You've had to have longer nights then that." I said playfully shaking him. He smirked quickly.
"Longer yes, more fun? No." I smiled.
"Well then come on." I told him. He shook his head. I got up grabbing both of his hands making his one arm get removed from over his eyes. He squinted.
"No the light, it blinds me. Why must you hate me?" He frowned.
"Oh stop being a baby. I don't hate you." He looked at me and gave me the puppy dog face. No, that was so adorable. He gave me a sad face. That made me feels sad. He was so cute doing it though. "Don't do that." He made an even sadder face. I let go of his arms which went to his side. I climbed on top of him. Two can play at that game. I gave him my puppy dog face and sad eyes. I made sure they looked watery. "Please. I'm up." I said. His expression changed.
"Now that's not fare." he frowned. I kept it up moving a little so my face was closer so he would see the puppy dog eyes and face all in one up close. "I can win this you know?" he smirked.
"How?" I asked. He closed his eyes and smiled.
"Ha." I frowned. 
"Not cool man." I said crossing my arms. I huffed. "Fine, I'll just go get changed by myself and be ready and watch TV in the chair over there." I was moving to get up when his hands went to my hips to hold me in place.
"Don't go." He frowned opening his eyes looking at me.
"But you won't get up." I frowned again.
"Because I don't wanna leave bed yet. We don't have too for a while. Just lay here with me." He gave me a hopeful look. I was defeated.
"Just for 30 minutes." He smiled. He moved his hand to my face bringing me down. He kissed me and that turned into a make out session. He then pulled away keeping me close.
"You know you look sexy in my shirt." He told me smirking. I smirked back at him.
"You know you look sexy without clothes?" His eye brow rose.
"Oh do I?" He leaned in kissing me again. I nod during the kiss. He then quickly flipped me onto my back being on top of me.


He started touching me all over as we made out. He unbuttoned his shirt making it spread open He then went for my underwear and took them off quickly. I could see he was already ready for more. He then rolled back over pulling me back on top. He reached over to his wallet grabbing it this time. He grabbed another condom out. Well damn how many does he keep in there? He put it up to my mouth and I bit on the side as he pulled and we opened it. He grabbed what was in my mouth and took the condom out setting the wrapper on the side. I moved down so I was sitting on his thighs. He handed over the condom to me.
I put it on him and I heard him breath threw his teeth. I made sure it was all the way on before I put myself back above him. He put his hand on his length and one on my hip. He positioned himself perfectly. He then put his hand on the other hip. He was looking at me and I slowly sat down onto him. He groaned as I did. I rode him and he held onto my hips. He gripped them more and made me move faster. I put my head back moaning as we went faster. His hands went back to my ass.

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