Love Rain and Cupid (Mikey)

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A/n: Hola muchatalatas, how are you?!? Long time no see! Any ways, welcome to this weeks Mikey fanfic! It's Valentine's Day but sadly he's in LA and your in Australia (not complaining ;)) So let's see how you to work it out!


"Maybe you can come visit me one day y/n" Michael said sadly.

You looked at the low battery on your laptop and back at Michael.

"I want to so badly." You said, starting to tear up.

"Talking to you over a screen isn't the same as talking to you in person." He sighed.

"I miss you," he started, "your hugs and kisses, cuddles and movie marathons till 4am..." He trailed off, looking away to something in the background.

"I know, it's hard. I wish my job didn't keep me from seeing you." you said.

"Mine too." He laughed.

"Well at least your touring the world." You said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.

He laughed, slightly.

After a long pause he said, "I just miss you so fucking much. God, I love you."

"Michael, please." You said, on the brink of tears.

"Sorry." he paused, "It's a shame I won't see you on Valentine's Day baby."

"Oh god, don't remind me." you said and rolled your eyes jokingly.

Michael laughed along with you.

You tried to stop a yawn because you didn't want to stop talking.

"Your tired Y/n, go to bed." he said

"Noooooo Mikey I want to talk to you" you objected.

"Come on y/n, I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Okay, bye Mikey, I love you." you said, staring into his pixel-ized eyes.

"Bye Y/n, Love you too babe."

And with that he shut the Laptop off.


"Alright Ms.y/l/n, I will give you a week off." Your boss said, "considering you annoyed me about it all week." He murmured.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much Mr.Dale! I cannot thank you enough, this means the world to me."

"Alright alright, go see your rockstar boyfriend." he smiled.

"Trust me I will! See ya later Mr.Dale!" You said as you ran out the door waving goodbye.


You decided you weren't going to tell Michael about coming to LA.

You wanted it to be a total surprise, it would be one of the best Valentines gifts you could give him.

So you texted all the guys and set up a situation.

Mikey was going to be going on with his regular day and the guys were going to tell him that they had dinner reservations. Except they weren't driving him to a restaurant but a picnic on the beach.

You grabbed one of Michael's swim trunks and packed your things.
You had a 6AM flight the next day and a full day of traveling.


The next day you boarded your plane, texting out final plans and making sure everything was set.

Right when you got off that plane you were going to the beach. There was no way you could wait any longer to see Michael.


After the flight, Calum picked you up from the airport and drove you to the beautiful beach.

"Wow Cal, you got a great spot."

"I know, it's hidden away from everything." He said with a wink.

"Oh shut up!" You laughed, "and by the time he gets here it will be right during sunset. This is perfect!"

"Thank you so much, and tell the others I said the same." you said.

"Alright Y/n, they will be here any moment."

You stood there with anticipation and excitement.

And then, knowing your luck, it started to rain.

Yes, it started to rain.

You stood there looking at Calum like Is this really happening

He shrugged and said "oh crap, we don't have an umbrella."

You stood there, completely bummed but you knew Mikey would be here any second.

And then he walked down the little hill all confused. He was looking at Luke so he didn't see you.

Then it seemed as the rain stopped and parted as he came (jk he ain't no magical unicorn, well he is but you get it)

Then he turned and saw you there, standing all drenched and confused.

"Y/n?!!" He said and come running down the hill.


You ran into each other's arms like some romance movie.

After a long needed hug, in the rain, you pulled apart and just looked at each other.

"I- I thought you couldn't get out here because of work." he said.

"I practically killed my boss asking for it." You said sheepishly.

He smirked at you and then kissed you passionately.

A long overdue kiss that was much needed for both of you.

"I set up this whole picnic and everything and then it started to rain." you said gesturing to the drenched Picnic blanked on the sand.

"Oh y/n, as long as your here everything is perfect."

You blushed

"Besides we are not really the 'romantic' type, are we?" He said laughing and you did too.

"Yeah, and we don't exactally have the best of luck either!" You said

After that you just looked at each other.

"Alright Y/n, lets go back to the house and dry up and the well see what we want to do later okay?"

"Okay" you said and took his hand walking up the hill to see that the rest of 5sos were all staring at you and taking pictures.

"Oh come on you lover boys." You said and laughed.

"We missed you y/n" Luke said and every one else replied with 'yeahs'

"I missed you too." you said hugging each of them.

At this point you were all drenched.

You started to shiver so Micahel put his coat around you.

"But I think I missed this the most." you said pulling him into a kiss.


A/n: Haiiiiii, what's up? So I got back from my vacation on Tuesday and could not upload last week. SO LONG TIME NO SEE!!! anyways, I cannot tell you how grateful we are about 3k reads, yall rule. and I'm really happy the boys are back and recording, can't wait for new music and ROWYSO!!! AHHHH YESSSSS okay that's all, (self promo sorry) Twitter: @x5sosimagines4u see Ya later ~ West_Coast

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