ourtime (Luke)

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A/n: okay so this weeks theme is 'First Date' and basically you and Luke both sign up on this dating websites meant for 50yr olds and up, as a joke and then SOMETHANG SPECIAL HAPPENS!! Let's jump into it...

P.s.: Future Hearts holy cow😍😍


OurTime.com - Online Dating Site For Men & Women Over 50

"This one? Are you sure?" You asked your friend who was rolling around on the ground in laughter

"Yes! Yes, that one is hilarious! You're not close to 50 at all." She said

"But what if someone actually takes it seriously? I could really hurt there feelings." You said

"So? Who cares? It's a dare, y/n."

"I know, I know"

"Okay so what's your name going to be?" She asked

"You pick."

"How about, MildredandCats101?" She said

"MildredandCats101, really?" You looked at her.

"What you have anything better? Plus it's hilarious!" She was hysterical with laughter.

You weren't really buying it, but you got a stupid dare and now here you are.

"Okay I did it."

"Alright, now let's let the men come to you. I'm hungry anyways." she said and left you in the room alone.


The next morning

One new message notification

"Hey, y/f/n. Get up, we have somebody."

She shot up, "who?"

"Someone named, PenguinMan716."

"What a stupid name. What did he say?"


"Wow, what a charmer."

"Shut up! What do I say back?" You asked.

"Oh I don't know, what about hi."

"Okay, 'hi'"

He responded back quickly.

Then it turned into a whole conversation.

You were starting to like PenguinMan716 even though something seemed something off about him.


It's been a few weeks a since you and PenguinMan716 started talking and you felt bad because he still didn't know that you were 18.

"Hey, I have to tell you something." You messaged him.

"Me too." He said.

"Okay, well im not 50. I'm 18, I'm so sorry."

"Really?" He said


"me too. I'm 18. It was a dare from my friend to make this. I kinda had a feeling though."

"What do you mean?"

"What 50 year old knows what 'lol' and 'wtf' mean, let alone use them in a sentence."

"Well I guess this makes it a lot easier. let's start over. hi I'm y/n, what's yours?"


"That's a nice name, I live in Sydney." You replied

"No way! Me too."

"That's so cool. We should meet up one time." you said.

"I don't know how much I trust a stranger haha." He replied.

"But I'm not a stranger, I'm MildredandCats101."

"Very true, let's just talk a little more."

"Sounds good."

And you started to like PenguinMan716, I mean Luke. Maybe more than a friend.


"Okay i think I'm ready." He said


"To meet in public." He replied

"Really?!? That's awesome!"

"Okay where do you want to meet?"

"Up to you."

"Okay, I can't wait to see you in person. A computer screen an only show how beautiful you really are." He said.

"Woah, hold yourself Luke. WhT do you mean?" You asked laughing.

"After talking for so long, I think I like you."

"Really? I like you too!" You'd said

"God, it's like we're 10 again!" He laughed


So the day came and you met Luke.

He was taller than you thought, but just as handsome.

Maybe this could turn into something more?


A/n: omg that sucked, don't kill me. Obviously something like that wold never happen, the odds are so small but whatever, it's all fiction. Anyways, see you later ~ West_Coast

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