Who does he think he is? -Calum

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A/N: HEYYYYY how are you guys? I hope you all are good! So this weeks theme is "Teacher" I know school is gross and terrible but it would be 1000000 times better if any member of 5sos was there. Anyway let's get going.

You take deep breaths I made it.

You were walking into the high school that you now teach in feeling very proud of yourself. You always loved kids and you knew you wanted to teach them. Well you're not that far off from being their age, you are 21 you just graduated College and this school was new and needed teachers so you got the job.

You were an hour early so you could get situated in your classroom and meet the other teachers.

You gasp. Your classroom was perfect... Well to you it was. You had a lot of space, a projector and your own desk!

"Hey" a voice breaks you out of your moment.

You turn around to see a guy with messy black hair and highlights smile at you. He was wearing a flannel and black skinny jeans, he couldn't be a student, no students come this early. But why is he looking so unprofessional? This is a disgrace.

"Hi I'm Y/N" you smile and put out your hand for him to shake.

He goes right for the hug instead.

Ok then

"Sorry if we are going to be classroom neighbors we should get to know each other better" he says and winks.

"And by the way I'm Mr.Hood otherwise known as Calum"

"Excuse me?" you say shocked by him being so forward.

"We should go to lunch together today" he says.

"Um sure" you say unsure.

"Good I wouldn't have taken no for an answer just so you know" he says with a wink before exiting.


You decide to go to the teachers lounge to see if anyone is there.

Their are only a 6 teachers there and of course Calum is on the other side of the room smirking with his eyes on you.

You decide to talk to a middle age woman who looks friendly.

"Hello I'm Y/N aka Ms. Y/L/N" you say smiling.

"Miss? You mean you aren't married?" she says looking very surprised.

"I'm surprised someone hasn't snatched you up by now, you are gorgeous" she says.

"Thank you so much"

"Oh and I'm Carol aka Mrs. Smith"

"Nice to meet you"

"So since you aren't married are you seeing anyone? she says.

You are getting a little weirded out by these questions since you just met her but you go along with it.

"No I didn't really have much time for that while I was in college" you say very embarrassed.

"Have your eyes on anyone?"

You shake your head.

"What about that Mr.Hood guy? He seems nice"

You laugh "No way do you see him? He is so unprofessional"

"Who does he think he is?" you say.

Carol laughs.

"I think I'm going back to my classroom, Goodbye" you say and wave.

The day goes by awfully fast and it is time for lunch.

You see Mr.Hood in the hallway and go up to him.

"I'm ready" you say.

"Alright let's go"

"Where are we going?" you ask.

"It's a surprise"

You get in his car and you are actually enjoying yourself he is playing your favorite songs.

"Here we are" he says.

You look out the window and see Panera Bread.


"Isn't it?" he says laughing.

You both order and sit down at the table. After you surprisingly had a good time with this stranger you thought you hated and you reluctantly let him pay after a 10 minute long argument you were heading back to the school.

"Thanks I had fun" you say.

"It was no problem we should do it again sometime... Here put your number in my phone" Calum says.

You nod and put it in his phone.

"See ya"


After the last bell rings and you are just doing paperwork on your desk you see the door open.

"Calum?" you say confused that he is rushing towards you.

He pulls you off of your seat and places you on the desk with your legs around his waist before kissing you roughly.

"I've been waiting all day to do that".

"Well I'm not complaining" you say smiling.

"I'm just surprised you haven't been snatched up by now" Calum laughs while quoting Carol from earlier.

This was the beginning of a long relationship.


A/N: hope you enjoyed this you crazy people and rock on

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