School Complications (Ashton)

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A/N: Sup Guys how have y'all been? Great? Good. So this weeks then is hilarious because me and West_Coast came up with it during one of our classes and oh god so many ideas. Anyway Enjoy being a Kindergarten teacher for this story!

"Alright, Class my name is Miss.(Y/L/N)" You say looking at your kindergarten class for the first time of the new year.

They all look up at you, with joy in their eyes and replay back,

"Good Morning Miss.(Y/L/N)"

You laugh a little to yourself because they all say it at different times and it was just so cute.

You begin your lesson teaching the students how to write sentences and while you were walking around you see Carter Irwin's sentence.

My mommy can fly you read to yourself quietly, you get down on your knees next to him and start talking to him about his sentence.

"Can you read me your sentence Carter?"

"My mommy can fly!"

"Really?! Who does she fly with."

"The Angels!!!!"

He gets up from his chair and runs straight to the door when he hears the recess bell.

You get up and walk back to your desk and take out the record book of all your students information in it.

You sit down and open the book searching for Carters information.

There was always something a little different about him, but you just couldn't tell what.

You look out the window and see Carter talking to nothing outside.

When you look back to your book you see Carters dad's number. You wait a little bit and continue to look outside watching Carter play with "imaginary friend" as he called it.

All the sudden he grabs 2 chairs and puts one down and then puts the other one angle toward the other chair and sits on it.

He starts talking to the chair when 3 other boys in the class come over and take the chair from him and push him down and start hitting him.

You get up from your chair so fast it falls and you run out to Carter and pick him up.

"Everybody inside now!" You demand pointing to the open door of the classroom.

You put down Carter and get down to his level.

"Are you okay?" you ask him holding onto his hand.

"Yeah..." He said in a soft tone voice.

"Let's get you to the nurse." You say grabbing his hand, getting up, and walking toward the door.

When you get inside the classroom you ask the teaching assistant to take over while you toke care of this problem.

You walk Carter to the nurse and told her what happened and that you needed to bring the other boys to the principals office.

When you get back to your classroom you call the three boys out and bring them to the office.

After the long meeting with the principal and the three boys it was the end of the day and time for dismissal.

You walk back to your classroom and dial the number of Carters dad.


"Hi, This is Miss.(Y/L/N) I am Carters teacher, Are you aware what happened to your son at recess today?" You ask sounding concerned.

"I am not, can I come into talk to you about this situation?"

"Yes absolutely, how about we discuss it over coffee tomorrow since it's only a half a day?"

"That's great so tomorrow at 2 at the cardboard cup?"

"Yup alright see you there." you say hanging up the phone and gathering all of your stuff and as your about to leave the classroom you hear a knock on the door.

You open the door to see a very handsome man with blondish brown hair.

"Hi I'm Carters dad, I know we had a coffee "date" tomorrow but when he got home from after school activities he had a huge black and blue on his eye."

You reach out to shake his hand and he shakes it back giving you this look that makes your heart melt.

"I'm Ashton by the way." he says winking at you.

"I'm (Y/N)." you give him a smile and start to tell him the story of what happened with Carter and the 3 other boys and the look on his face was the look of someone just punched him in the face.

"That all happened today?!" He asks giving you a shocked look on his face.

"Yeah and another thing I wanted to show you since you are here was this sentence he wrote down during our writing lesson."

You got up from your desk where you were sitting and went to the back of the room to get his work from his work folder.

You walked back to the front of the room and you knew Ashton was staring at your ass the whole entire time.

You walk over to Ashton and give him the work. He looks at it and nods smiling and then looks up at you.

"His mom,my wife, died when he was 2 years old from cancer. " He says looking down and then looking back up into your eyes.

You needed to kiss his, you wanted to, he knew you wanted to kiss him to because you were bitting your lip and staring at his eyes.

All the sudden as soon as you close your eyes to blink you feel his soft lips against yours and you scream inside.

He was so into the kiss too he got so into it you would have never imagined. But the second you pulled away from his lips he wanted more and he pulled you right back in for another 5 minute make-out session.

This went on for 25 minutes and after he finally got tired you guessed and stopped.

You look at him walking to the back of the room with Carters work and when you got to the back counter you put his work in the folder and walk back to the front of the room.

Ashton is smirking at you but he is bitting his lip and finally after him smirking at you he speaks up.

"Let's go back to my place?" he asks putting his hand out.

"Yes" You say grabbing his hand as leads you to the parking lot.

"I can leave my car here as long as you drive me back in the morning" you smile giving him a kinky smile.

He nods and takes you to his car.

A/N: Hey guys what's up so this is the end of this weeks story I hope u had a great day love u lots ❤️~ Paris.csl

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