Regretting it all- Ashton

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A/N: HELLO EVERYONE, this weeks theme is nerd week. Personally I think everyone is jealous of nerds (I know I am) so if you think you are nerdy it's not at all a bad thing you are still probably 500 times cooler than me haha). Anyway enjoy!


"Okay class I will be assigning you a project that is due this Friday and will count as 70% of your final grade" Mrs. Smith says.

Numerous grunts and sighs were heard around the room but you couldn't help but feel excited.

You were pretty nerdy and very smart but you were known as the "cool" one and cool people cannot know every line to every Star Wars episode and have an A+ in every class. The worst part wasn't even you not getting to show everyone the real you, it was having to bully the biggest loser in High School Ashton Irwin.

He was tall will messy curly hair and big glasses. He was always tapping his desk and staring at you. You knew he liked you and you wanted to get to know him but popular people do what is "cool" not what is right.

"I will be assigning you partners and I suggest you work on this project as often as possible since it is due in 4 days" (it's Monday).

Oh no

"Lucy with Ryan"
"Serena with Carter"
"Dan with Kyle"
"Y/N with... Ashton"


"Amber with Jessica"
"Calum with Jack"

You sat there stunned. You cannot work with that loser you knew you would end up liking him then bam your popularity is out the door.

The bell rings.

"Um Mrs.Smith I can't work with Ashton" you say quietly.

"I'm not changing my mind. I see the way you treat him maybe this will change you" she says smugly before exiting.

You feel someone lightly tap your shoulder.

"Ugh what do you want?!" You say before turning around.

You look around to see shy little Ashton looking very nervous.

"Well well well if it isn't Loser McLoserly" you say.

"What do you want?" You say.

"Um... I was thinking we could um go to my house after school to work on the project...?" he says saying it more like a question.

"Yeah but you're doing most of it"

"I figured..." he says quietly.

"EXCUSE ME? Watch your mouth, I will ruin you" you say with venom.

You walk away.

Why does he like you?

Final bell rings

I'll just wait for him outside.

You stand in the front of the school before you see the big goofball looking very nervous walk towards you.

"My car is um this way" he says walking.

When you see his car you're shocked.

A 1984 Chevrolet C20 in perfect condition.

Ashton sees you staring.

"Are you afraid of trucks or something?" he says.

You couldn't let him know that you know everything about trucks and you are fan girling on the inside so you just

"Obviously not idiot get in the damn car".

You both get in and sit in silence. He turns on the radio and plays When you were young by The Killers aka your favorite band and song.

You start humming thinking he can't hear you.

"You know this song?!" He says.

You decide to tell him the truth.

"Yes they are my favorite band" you say quietly.

"Mine too" he says grinning.



He parks the car and you look at his house. It's pretty small but very cute with many flowers and freshly cut grass.

"Um we are home alone" he says once you get inside.


"What is this project on? I wasn't listening" you say.

"It's on Climates"

You didn't know what to do. How were you going to a project with Ashton without letting him find out that you were a genius and not the human version of Satan.

You should just be honest.



"I have something to tell you"

He nods.

"I'm not really stupid or mean" you say.

He nods letting you continue.

"I just act stupid and be mean to be popular. I never would've been mean to you if I didn't have to and I know popularity is a stupid reason to make someone's life hell but I'm in too deep now and if I stop I will have no friends or acquaintances" you say.

"Are they really your friends if they make you act like this?"

"I don't know but I've made a choice and their is no going back"

"I would be your friend"

You start to cry.

"Why would you want to be friends with me? I made everyone hate you and bullied you for the past 3 years" you say crying.

"And I still love you, I don't know why but something was telling me that this was all an act" he says looking into your eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I regret it all" you say before crashing your lips to his.

"I love you too so effing much"

Let's just say the project was not even started that evening...
A/N: sorry if that was long haha but Ashton deserves it because he is my sunshine anyway have a great week and don't eat raspberries


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