What I Like About You (Michael)

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A/N: Heyyyyy what's up peeps ! How have you been ?! It's currently 2:30 in the morning and i don't know why I'm up but I was like Hey let me start now! Oh also currently wearing a 5SOS shirt right now and it is amazing ! So without further damn ado here is you Love story at the AMAs with Mikey!

It is current an hour till the AMAs the day you have been waiting for because it was the first time you will be singing your song on stage. But also because it was your first award show, well besides the one your boyfriend Michael took you to.

*Iphone classic ringtone*

You pick up your phone and look who it was and it was your Boyfriend from 5 Seconds of Summer Michael.

"Hey Babe, what's up?"

"Hey nothing much, are you excited?!"

"Um yeah obviously" you say giving him sass.

"Hey missy don't give me sass just asking" he replies laughing.

"Ok, ok, so what is the real reason you called because I know you didn't call just to ask if I was excited."

"Ok the real reason I called you was because I wanted to know when you were going to tell the world about our new little one?"

"Babe I'm only 2 months pregnant we have time to tell the world, they won't find out." you say calm yet a little worried the paparazzi has not noticed yet.

"Alright whenever you tell will be fine with me. But I got to go because me and the boys are getting ready. Bye love you."

"Bye Love you too."

You hang up the phone, and go put on you black dress with cuts on the sides and a cut on the leg (Picture above). As you are putting it on you are thinking about you and Mikey. Like what if after the baby comes will Mikey want to stay with me , Will he be to busy on tour, and We need to get engaged if we are having this baby I mean we have been together for 5 years.

It was to much to think of right now, but right now all you could think about right now is getting to the carpet on time and rocking it.

Time passes and your car arrives, you jump in and see your manager she asks you a couple questions, but you couldn't really understand them because in your head you were deciding on telling her that you are pregnant because you were really close with her.

You knew if you told her she would say oh my god you Mikey are only 23 years old, and not even married.

"Hey I have to tell you something" you interrupting right before you are about to get out of the car."

"Yeah anything, what's up"

"Well.....I'm.....I'm.....Pregnant!" you say nervous getting out of the car.

"Oh my god, that's great you will be a great mom!!!!!" She says hugging you.

After the long hug you are about to start walking the red carpet when you feel someone's arms around you. It was Mikey, I mean who else would it be.

"You look amazing!"

"And same to you!" you say hugging him back.

"I will see you inside." he says coming close to you and kissing you.

He leaves the kiss and you start to walk the carpet. You were rocking that carpet and you knew it. Smile this way!no no this way! Hand on the hip! Is all you could hear as you were posing.

But at that exact moment you saw your favorite interview station. Ellen. You made your way over and hugged Andy he was with a fan of yours, you guessed because when you went over there to talk she started to jump up and down and put her hands over her mouth.

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