Bad Into Good?! (Luke)

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A/N: Hey guys whatss upp????? Sorry I didn't upload last week I took a personal day :)! So do you think a person could go from being mean to you to being your hero? We'll find have to find out...

You pull up to the beach and see the waves crashing against the sandy shore.

You get out of the car and walk a few feet to the start of the sand on the beach.

The feel of the sand on your feet made you feel so relaxed. All week you have had finals for your 1st year in college, and it has been so stressful studying every night for 5 hours.

The beach always relaxed you even though you didn't know how to swim you just liked to lounge on your beach towel and listen to music.

You walk over to a spot right in the sun, put your beach towel down, and laid down on the towel putting in your earbuds.

All the sudden the sun goes away and you open your eyes and see a tall guy blocking your sun.

You take out your earbuds and he starts speaking to you.

"Um your in our spot." Says the tall blonde haired guy with a lip piercing.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see your name here. So if you would excuse me I was listening to the new All Time Low Album." You say confidently putting your earbuds back in.

All you see is the tall blonde nod his head. You pull out your earbuds and one of his friends picks you up and carries you down to the water.

"STOP! STOP!" You scream trying to get away while the water was still shallow.

His friend brings you to where you couldn't stand but he could and that wasn't to far because you were short.

He threw you into the water and you were struggling to find the surface and holding your breath at the same time.

Luke's POV:

I laugh as my friend comes back to the shore and you guys start walking to your car.

"Dude, Where did she go?!" Calum says to you looking around alarmed.

"She is fine dude relax"

"Luke! She isn't fine she is drowning!" Once Calum says that I felt really bad and ran straight to the shore and I through off my shirt running into the water.

Your POV:

Right before what you thought was your last breath you felt hands under your thighs trying to pick you up.

He finally gets you and picks you up running to shore. You wrap your legs around and he holds the back of your head against his muscular chest.

He stops running and puts you down looking into your eyes.

"I'm sorry for telling my friend to do that. I didn't know you couldn't swim." He starts to look at his feet ashamed of what he did that almost killed you.

"Your lucky your cute" You say smiling at him putting your arms around his neck as he picks you up.

"I know" He says kissing you and you wrap your legs around him in the process.

After the passionate kiss he puts you down and it was the perfect tumblr scene with the sunset in the background of the whole thing.

"Oh I'm Luke by the way" He says smiling at you.

"I'm (Y/N)" You say grabbing his hand running across the shore just playing around until it got dark.

A/N: So maybe people can change! But right now American Idol was just on and I was Dying!!!!! My favorite on Idol was Jax! Oh gosh I love her voice!!!! Question of the day, What is your favorite song? xoxoxoxo ~ Paris.csl❤️

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