Meeting a lonely Mikey

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You always considered attending college in Manhattan was a blessing and a curse. Your roommate, Maddie, who came from a small town in upstate New York decided to take you to the tourist attractions on a day off.
"Oh, come on, Y/N. It's New York. It's Christmas time. Sure, it'll be crowded, but that's why we'll bundle up and walk around." Maddie told you as she shook you, trying to get you out of bed.
"I'm not getting up, for Christ's sake! I need to catch up on the series' I'm watching on Netflix, Mads. Today's my only free day." You huffed, knowing that Maddie was rolling her eyes at you as you turned around and pulled the duvet over your head.
"Y/N! Get up! Maybe you'll finally meet a fucking boy. There's tourists in this city. A shit load of them. There's gonna be foreign boys with accents and good hair. And a good fashion sense. You can't pass that up." She fought back, before tugging the duvet off of your body. "Get up. We'll leave in an hour."

In a little over an hour you and Maddie were eating lunch in Mangolia Bakery, right by Rockefeller Plaza. You couldn't help but notice the small disruption on the opposite side of the bakery. There was a boy with bright red hair being stopped by a few girls who seemed to be around fifteen or sixteen. "Think he's famous?" Maddie asked, and you nodded quickly as you stared. Maddie shrugged and turned back to her food, but you couldn't help but look at the attractive boy.

Maybe he's one of the foreign, well dressed boys with good hair that Maddie told me about, you thought.

As the boy took his seat with a tall, buff man, who you presumed was a security guard, you caught him throwing glances ar you. You pushed it aside, though. He's not staring at me, you told yourself. And if he is, it's because I was staring at him before or I have something on my face, you added.

The time came when you and Maddie were both done with your lunch and you got ready to leave. Maddie went to the bathroom and you sat there for a few seconds, before finding a pen in your bag and grabbing a clean napkin.
'caught you staring... hopefully for all the right reasons. find me at the tree in the Plaza tonight? I'll be there at 5ish.' You wrote, confidently, before signing your first name with a small smiley face next to it.

As you and Maddie got up to leave once she got back from the bathroom, you folded the napkin neatly and slipped onto the vibrant red haired boy's table, not even making eye contact with him. Maddie didn't even notice.

The day drew on and it was nearly five pm. You and Maddie went all out, seeing loads of tourist attractions, but as it got later and the sun began to set, you walked back to Rockefeller Plaza to see the Christmas tree lit at night.

It wasn't hard to see the bright haired boy in the outskirts of a crowd of many. You walked towards him smoothly. "You know, with the color of your hair, you could blend in as a Christmas tree ornament, in all the best ways possible." You laughed softly, before the boy turned to you.

"Got here a bit early. I was beginning to think you wouldn't show. I'm Michael, by the way." He said.

Michael. That's a nice name. It suited a nice face like his. "Y/N. And I'm pretty excited you listened to me." Suddenly, Maddie appeared with a strange look on her face. You knew she wanted answers to the questions that she was mentally screaming at you.

"Right, uh, mind taking a picture of Maddie and me? Here's my phone." You gave Michael your phone and took Maddie's hand, pulling her back a bit to get a nice picture. "I'll explain soon." You whispered, before smiling widely as you hugged her.

The night presumed and you and Michael parted ways after talking for a bit. As you were going back to your dorm, you got a text from an unknown number.
'Woooooooaaaah calm down Y/N we barely know each other'. You frowned and opened the message.

Turned out that "you" texted Michael 'i love you so fucking much youre the love of my life ilyilywearegoingouttodinnertomorrownightilyilyily'. You rolled your eyes and showed Maddie the message, before explaining it all to her.

All night you and Michael were texting. You learned he was in a band and he played in Rockefeller Plaza five months prior. He was 'ditched by his band' because he lost his passport, and Michael was also, 'very Australian and very very single'. You couldn't help but grin at his attitude. It was obvious that Michael wanted to go on a date.

The next evening, Michael ended up at the front entrance of your dorm building (since it only dormed girls in that building, he had to wait outside for you) with a small box, which held a bright red tree ornament. He took you on that date, and it was amazing. Christmas in New York is beautiful, buts it's even better when you have a cute boy holding your hand.

~Brooklyn Baby

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