One thing leads to another (Luke Hemmings)

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A/N: I really didn't know what to do for this week but then it hit me!

"And how would you like to pay for your order?" The tall blonde boy behind the register said typing in you food order.

"Cash" you say putting your pocketbook out on the counter looking for your credit card.

You find your wallet in the bag and take it out and once you take your hand out of the bag the tall young man named Luke as you read it on the name tag reached over the counter and takes your bag and runs into the back and out the door.

You ran out the door trying to catch up with him but he was running too fast.

He finally stopped running and he was 5 feet a head of you and he started to walk off to the side of the sidewalk and sat down with your bag.

You run up to where he was sitting and stopped.

He looks up at you with a smirk leans in he pocket and takes out his sunglasses putting them on.

You sat next to him looking at him and he was a very attractive person with that lip ring.

"Can I have my bag back Luke?" you ask as you go to reach for it.

He laughs and as soon as you start to reach over for the bag he gives you a kiss on the lips.

You kiss back and he pulls away picking your bag up putting it in your lap as he gets up.

Taking off his sunglasses he winks at you without saying anything and your shocked still sitting on the sidewalk.

He starts to walk away and then turns around and yells.

"See you around princess!"

He turns back around and runs around the corner.

You get up wiping off your ripped black skinny jeans and continue to walk back to the restaurant (Chipotle).

Once you walk in the owner walks up to you and puts his hand on your shoulder.

"Is everything alright m'am?"

"Yes, everything is fine, I got my bag back." You say showing him your bag.

"I will have to talk to Mr. Luke this isn't the first time this has happened."

"Then why haven't you fired him?"

"Because he is my little sisters boyfriend."

You try to keep your cool because Luke just kissed you and he had a girlfriend.

"Well I have to"

"Do you want your food? It's on us." He says with the food in his hand, waiting for you to grab it.

"Umm....yeah that be great, thank you" You say taking the food and walk out in disbelief of everything that just happened.

You start to walk down the the street to the local beach/park and when you finally make it there you find a nice spot, sit down, and start eating.

As you were done you went to the trash can and threw out all of your garbage and once you came back you sat down putting your ear buds back in and turning the music up so much that you couldn't hear anything else.

You were reading a book when you felt an arm around you so you look up from the book seeing Luke again.

You take out your ear buds and shut your book to start talking to him.

"How did you know I was going to be here?" you ask him moving over a little.

"Well my girlfriend does the same exact thing when she gets food so I assumed you did it too."

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