.Plane Ride. (Calum)

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A/N: Heyyyyyyy I'm so happy to finally have 4.11K reads!!!!! Thanks So Much Guys love ya!❤️

"Flight 307 is now boarding" You hear the load speaker say as you walk through LAX.

You are going to college in Australia and it's your first time traveling alone so you were really nervous that you will have to sit next to some creep.

"Passport please." Said the women at the gate, as you handed to her.

She handed you back your passport and your ticket and you were on your way to the plane.

When you were walking to the plane you can see that there were a lot of people and that scared you a lot.

You kept walking through the isle until you reached your row.

You look at who was sitting next to you, since you were in the middle, and see a 2 young boys one on each side.

One of them had colored hair and one had black hair and they we actually really cute! Both of them!

"Hi" you say shyly moving to your seat to sit down.

"Hello! I'm Michael and that's Calum!" Michael said shaking your hand and Calum waved at you and said hello.

"I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you." You say pulling out your lap top and putting it on the tray.

The plane had already took off so it was alright if you took it out.

"Whatcha doing?" Calum said leaning over and looking at your computer screen.

"Well I'm editing my new YouTube video and working on some stuff involving me going to playlist live." You say with a smile looking back at him.

He had such petty eyes you couldn't help staring at them as you talked.

"You're a youtuber?!" He asks grabbing your hand.

"Yeah I do beauty and a whole bunch of other things." You say as his smile began to grow bigger.

You take your hand away from his and he still is looking at you and asking you questions while Michael was completely out even though it was only 10 minutes into the flight.

"How many subscribers do you have?!"

"1 million" you say pretty confident with yourself.

"So where are you going to?"

"I'm going to Sydney because I'm a freshman at the university."

"Oh that's cool I'm here with my band, well just Michael because Luke and Ashton missed the flight."

"Cool" you replay because you really couldn't careless because you had a lot of work to do.

"So why are you asking me so many questions about youtube?"
You ask in a confused tone.

"Because that's where my band 5 Seconds of Summer started now we are huge." He replays with a corky tone.

"Why aren't you freaking out?" He asks with a confused face.

"Why would I be?" You ask laughing a little.

"You have never heard of the band before?"

"No, is that bad."

"Yeah our band is rocking! How do you not know who we are. We literally just toured with one direction."

When he said that your jaw dropped because you loved one direction like LOVED them.

"Now you know who we are?" He asks thinking I knew who him and his band was.

"No, but I love one direction and I went to their concert but when the opening act came on I was late so I missed it." You say as he starts to nod his head.

"Oh your one of those people." He said as you start to giggle.

"One of those people?" You say cracking up.

"Yeah the ones that only listen to one group and that's it."

"No, I listen to Green day, All Time Low, The 1975, and Nirvana" You say as his jaw drops.

"You listen to those bands?!" He says as his voice started to get excited.

"Yeah I love them! I know I don't look like a girl who would but I do." You say looking down at your outfit. (Outfit in picture above)

You guys basically talked for 3 hours straight just about life and everything else and all the sudden he says,

"I like you, your different."

You couldn't believe what he just said you almost choke on your water you were drinking.

"What?" You ask with a shocked look on your face.

"Yeah you are so chill, and I like how you like me for who I am and not for me being famous and all that shit."

"Yeah." You say still in shock of what just happened.

"Oh sorry did I make it awkward?" he asks looking down at his feet.

"No, because I like you to." you say with a smile and he picks up his head so quickly that it was unbelievable.


"Yeah, I mean I was so nervous to come on the plane alone and sit next to some creep but I'm so happy I did come alone and got to sit next to you." you finish saying as Calum leans over and hugs you and you hug him back.

The rest of the plane ride was just you and Calum talking about when you guys will meet again and you too exchanging numbers.

The flight came to an end and you to where ready to leave each other, you going to Sydney and him going to Melbourne for a show and it was actually kind of sad.

"Well I guess this is goodbye for now." you say making pouty face hugging him.

"Yeah." He says kissing the top of your head.

"I will see you in 2 months" you say walking away.

"See you in 2 months!" he screams across the airport waving to you as you waved back.

You got into the car and your fun buzzed. It was a text message so you unlocked your phone and smiled at the text.

I miss you already.

You texted back with a smile on your face.

I miss you 2 Cal Pal !❤️

A/N: I know it was crappy this week but I tried love you all! Have a great week and stay amazing love you lots!xoxoxo- Paris.csl❤️

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