badass and a nerd

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Inhaling. Exhaling. I watch her as she breathes those toxins in and out of her body. Her beautiful body, and she's destroying it. I know her reasonings though, and they are much worse than what's actually in those things.


She waltz into class, 10 minutes late of course, looking phenomenal, of course.

"Ms.Y/L/N, you're ten minutes late, again. You're going to have to go to detention." Our French teacher demands, sternly.

"Yes, Madame." She says, huffing and going to her seat, next to me.

"Hey, Michael, what's the homework?" She whispers, pulling out her agenda.

"Uh just page 87 in the textbook." I try to choke out.

"Thanks." She says, smiling at me. That's the thing she acts like this badass, but she's never mean to anyone, she tries to understand everyone.

Shoot. Extra help, where I help my teacher with the other kids is the same time as detention. After my last class I head back to my French class room to see my teacher running around the room frantically.

"I'm sorry Michael, my daughter there's an emergency. I know this is a little weird, but you're a responsible kid so can you please watch detention and extra help for me?" She says, a pleading look clear in her eyes.

"Sure of course." I mumble, and sit at one of the desks. Y/N walks in just as she's leaving.

"Hey, Michael." She says, waving a hand. She seems upset, her eyes are puffy, and her makeup is smudged.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Um yea I guess, I just I really like this guy, but I don't think I'm good enough for him. He's so smart, and sweet. People don't realize that he's gonna go places in life. They call him a nerd and I just get so mad, they're mean to him and he doesn't deserve it. I was in my last class, and I heard some girls saying really messed up things about him. I'm sorry you don't need to hear about my stupid person problems." She says, tearing up and sighing at the end.

"First of all any guy would be lucky to date someone as sweet as you. You are such an amazing girl, and you aren't stupid, I sit next to you I see your grades. He probably does like you back y'no, he'd be crazy not to." I say, rubbing circles in her upper back.

"Well, does he like me back?" She says, looking up at me hope in her eyes.

"You have to ask him." I say, I wish she liked me.

"I just did, so do you?" She says.

"Yea, wait really you like me? I'm this geeky weirdo though, and you're this hot badass with a shit-ton of package. Wait sorry I didn't mean it that way." I say, fumbling over my words like an idiot.

"It's true though I have so much package, but of course I like you. How could I not?" She says, and leans in to kiss me.

Short and 4 minutes late. Hope you guys had a great back to school. Happy Thursday or Friday whatevs.


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