Band v.s. Band (Mikey)

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A/n: sorry bout last week, took a free day. And so this one is where there is a game show they have where different bands compete against each other and do challenges for charity I guess. it's fun U know. VERY INTERESTING


"A little friendly competition never hurt any body."

"Correct, especially when you're going down." He said and laughed. Leaving you alone in your dressing room.


"Alright guys today we have two of the biggest bands in the world! Competing in trivia and endurance, fighting for their charities of choice, Please welcome 5 Seconds of Summer and Y/Bands/ N!"

As you walked though your corner all dress up in wrestling attire, adrenaline was coursing through your body.

The bright lights blinded you but you came in jumping.

You took your spot next to the host.

5 Seconds of Summer right on the other side. With Michael standing there too.

"Welcome!" The overly preppy host exclaimed.

"hey." Both bands said in unison.

"Alright so here on the left here we have Y/Bands/N."

"Hi I'm Bridgett."

"My names Scarlett"

"I'm Juliett"

"And I'm Y/n"

"Okay now moving on to the other side; 5 Seconds of Summer!"

"Hey I'm Luke."

"What's up, I'm Calum."

"Hi I'm Ashton"

"And I'm Michael."

Michael turned and looked you, he was avoiding eye contact the whole time.

He winked and you blushed.

In the media you had been Michaels new 'flare' but in reality it's was much more.

It had been months of sneaking around and going on dates in the shadows.

No one really knew expect for your family and the bands.

"So out first competition, physical, is a relay race." the host said.

"Y/bands/name in one corner, the red team!"

"And 5sos in the other corner, the blue team!"

"Alright, to basically each band member is going to have to complete a challenge and then tap the other band member when finished. The person does their challenge and so on. the team with the average fastest time gets that amount of money plus a 10,000 bonus. The other team only gets the average."


"The first challenge is to run around the bat 10 times and then climb up the wooden wall. The next challenge is to hoola hoop whilst walking in a straight line. If they veer off, then they must start over. The third is the Monkey Bars, you fall, you start over. And finally, you must swim across the pool turn run to the buzzer to stop the time. Got it?" The host said.

"Got it!" You all said in unison.

You got to your station in the same order as you introduced yourself.

Bridgett going first on your team and Luke going first on the other.

That meant you'd have to go against Michael.

So the race began and Calum went off the line and had to restart.

Juliett feel off the Monkey bars.

She came and tapped you and you dive into the pool.

Mikey jumping in a few seconds after you.

You saw him catching up so you took it up a notch.

As you got to the end of the pool you jumped out and slammed the buzzer.

Michael just a few milliseconds behind you.

"Alright, so the red team won this round earning a total of 36,000 dollars. the blue team won 32,000."

"Next, we have the intelligence round. One correct answer equals 1,000 dollars. The winning team gets and extra 10,000. Ready?" Said the host


"Okay, first question. What is the hardest natural mineral on Mohs hardness scale?"


"Diamonds" Luke said

"One point to the blue team!" The host said

"So, now what is the least hardest mineral on Mohs hardness scale?"


"Talc" you said


"In what year did WWll end?"


"1944!" Calum said.

"Incorrect. Ladies would you like to steal it?"

"Yes, 1945."



After many questions later, the red team ended up with $56,000 and the blue with $55,000

"So we have our winner, the red team! How are you all feeling?"

"Pretty good, but tired." You said sand laughed.

"Wait wait I have something to say!" Michael exclaimed and took the microphone.

"Okay so as many of you know, there have been rumors about y/n and I. so I'd like to clarify, Yes we are dating. in fact we've been together for quite the time and are madly in love." He said exaggerating "madly" and flipping his hair like a little girl.

The audience laughed and gasped.

"Well, wow. Y/n how do you feel about this. About competing against your boyfriend?"

"As a person once said, 'A little friendly competition never hurt any body, especially when your going down." you said and laughed with the audience.


A/n: alright guys a little something different. the names I used were absolutely random and sorry if you have one of the names I used. let me know! Thanks for the reads, it's crazy to think how many of you there are! See you around the corner ~ West_Coast

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