Them ~ Ashton

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A/n: hayo!!! So this week is jealousy and it's basically a story you've probably heard a billion times; y/n gets jealous BC she thinks that some of the fans Ash meets are prettier than you and yada yada blah blah and you'll have to read on to find out what happens ;)


You were inside of the 'secret' 5sos van thingy-mabopper trying to sneak inside of z100's headquarters. The boys had a massive interview with them, they were going to be announcing their new album and playing a new track on air.

Ashton, your boyfriend, cheekily tweeted that the boys had a "HUGE SURPRISE!!!" And the fans had to tune in to find out what's happening.

Therefore, the humongous crowd of fans outside the building.

"Holy shit Ash I've never seen so many people before," You laughed, "you just set off some atomic bomb or something because literally 'everybody' is here."

EVERYBODY was not an exaggeration. there were literally lines that rounded the corner.

"Wow. This is crazy." You heard Luke say from behind you.

After you 'sneakily' got inside the building you took the opportunity to look at the crowd from above.

It was huge.

Ashton came up from behind you and whispered, "this is what one little tweet can do... Who knew."

"Well, you are the Ashton Irwin." You snickered while fixing his cute little bow tie.

One fan screamed and you both jumped and turned your heads to see all the fans screaming and waving up at you.

Ashton waved and screamed to down below.


After the interview the guys decided to take a way out so they could meet some of the fans.

Ashton went up to each and every one of them.

Towards the middle of the line you noticed two girls.

They were both gorgeous. Implying that they both had 20lbs of makeup on.

There hair was crazy and their outfit screamed 'sex'. Everything about them showed desperation but you oddly felt intimidated.

You took your jacket and crossed it over your chest, feeling uncomfortable.

You slowly started to back up to a place where no one could see you.

You could still see those girls though. and Ashton was almost to them.

When he got to them, your eyes were glued to his facial expressions.

You wanted to see every emotion that crossed his face when talking to them.

All of your past insecurities flooded in,

Will Ashton think I'm not pretty enough for him when he could have people way more attractive?

The one girl placed her hand on Ashton's fore arm and he tensed up a bit but left it there.

He seemed to be hypnotised by her eyes and stood there for minutes just holding that pen in his hand.

Her arm inched up further and she leaned in and whispered something to him.

He froze and backed away, looking away from the girl but not without looking back once more.

She winked and he turned back around.

Quickly getting back in the zone, he had his little chats with the fans and signed their pictures.

But he seemed off. Like something was bothering him.

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