•Just Go•Leave•

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A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this weeks theme and are having a great week so far. Enjoy this love story between yourself and Luke Hemmings.
**7:00pm, February 11th, 2011**
"Yeah Mom I will do my Homework"
you say as you walk up to your room. You obviously are not going to do it as usual you are going to wait till the last minute and crunch it in one hour before school.

You pull up to your desk and go on to Facebook to see what was going on in the world, and you see a direct message from someone named Luke Hemmings. You have literally no idea who this is but you open the message anyway.

Luke Hemmings: Hi (Y/N) I know we don't know each other but I just posted a new video on YouTube it's a cover of me singing "Please Don't Go" By Mike Posner. Here is the link http://youtu.be/CUDcZsNEA1Y !

You don't know what to do so you click on his profile and see a 15 year old boy, and he wasn't that bad looking, actually pretty good looking . You decide to message him back.

(Y/N)(Y/L/N) : Yeah definitely! I was just wondering do you want to talk for a while I mean I have nothing to do and you seem really nice?

Luke Hemmings: Yeah Totally!

And that is how it all started the relationship between you and Luke. Its been a month since you have met him and you are on FaceTime with him.

L: "Hey! It's been a month since we met can you believe it?! "

(Y/N): "I know it's crazy so I know I have been avoiding this question and so have you but where are you from?"

L: "Well.........I'm from Sydney, Australia. But before you start yelling at me, I lied to you because I didn't want how far apart we are to change the way you love me and I love you."

(Y/N): "Luke just because we live 7,000 miles apart doesn't mean I stop talking to you."

L: "Thank god because I really like you an I could not imagine loosing you it woul-"

(Y/N): "Wait you love me?"

L: "Yeah, we have so much in common and I feel like we are the same person. I'm in love with you (Y/F/N)"

(Y/N): "Oh my god Luke I have never been told that before, but I agree with you, I feel like we are the same person"

L: " Listen I have been thinking about this day and night for the past month and I have made my mind up and I want to ask you if you would like to be
(Y/N) Hemmings?"


L: "Relax I'm just joking calm down my real question is would you like to be my girlfriend"

(Y/N): "Oh Luke your scared the crap out of me, but of coarse I will be your girlfriend I have been waiting for you to ask since the day you messaged me."
You haven't planned to tell you parents about you and Luke's relationship and you weren't planning to. If your parents found out you are dating a guy 7,000 miles away they would freakout and ground you forever. Like Forever.

**3Years Later **
It has been 3 years since you and Luke had made it official and you and Luke have been talking everyday. You haven't realized but Luke has been getting really famous from his youtube videos lately.

"Hey Babe I have a question for you"
"Ok What is it?"
"Well in 2014 me and the boys are going to be going on tour with One Direction and I was wondering if you wanted to come with us?"
"Oh Luke I'm honored but you know I can't because of my parents, they would kill me."
"Oh come on your 17 they must let go of you sometime soon"
"Your right, I will think about it and get back to you okay?"
"HIIIIIIIII" you hear one of Luke's best friends Ashton Irwin in the background.
"Hi Ash "
"Are you going to come on the where we are tour with us? "
"She can't because her Daddy and Mommy won't approve" Luke says teasing you.
"Alright baby I'm going to have to go before my dad gets home"
"ok I Love you "
"Love you to Luke"
Before you can hang up you look behind you and your dad is standing in the doorway looking more furious as ever. There were so many things going through your head like Omg why, I should have locked my door, the only time I don't lock my door when me and Luke are talking this happens, what will your dad say, should I start crying , what if Luke starts talking , and I better start explaining.
"Who is this and why is he on your computer under Baby Hemmo?"
"Dad this is my.....my.....my.....boyfriend Luke Hemmings he is in a band and lives in Australia"
"Ok well hang up so me and you can talk"

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