Don't Watch (Calum)

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A/N: Helloooooo guys what's up???!!!!??????? So I'm on the bus right now writing this and in my earbuds What Makes You Beautiful is on and I am jamming! lol. But anywayyyy here is the story about Calum! Oh and stay till the end of the story to see the question of the day you are going to want to read it!

You and Calum are driving to go see the house that he bought for you guys in California.

"You are going to love it I picked it out myself!" He says looking at you.

He went to look and furnish the house while he was on tour and you guys relocated to California even though you were from UK and he was from Australia.

"You look so confused babe." He states laughing and leaning over to the passenger side of the car and kissing you on the cheek.

You smile looking all around making sure nobody was watching you or following you.

"Well yeah it's weird because I have never been here before and it is really different." You say as he pulls into the driveway of the house.

He puts the car into the park and gets out coming around the car as you get out.

He puts his hand out and you take it as he walks you to the door. When you guys get there he unlocks the door, and opens it.

You are amazed by the house because it is the perfect size for you guys since you have been together for 3 years and now are engaged.

You let go of his hand putting your hands over your mouth in disbelieve.

He hugs you giving you a kiss and brings you into the master bedroom upstairs and you gasp at the view of the whole LA city.

"So do you like it?" He asks while his hands are behind his back.

"Yes I love it!! But this is not right there is a someone watching me behind it." You say walking over to the picture on the wall.

Without even asking what was behind his back you needed to fix the picture above the bed of the two of you when you got engaged.

"Babe it's fine leave it, don't you want the gift I have for you?" he asks walking toward you touching you on the shoulder.

You push his hand off your shoulder and continue to take it down. Every time you tried to take it down Calum would put it right back on the wall.

"No, we can't have anything on the walls because things could be hidden behind other things ."

"You are over reacting this. Come on calm down" Calum says pulling you away from the picture but you manage to get out of his control to go take down the picture and slide it under the bed.

"No people are watching me I know it. I'm going to take my pills I will be right back." You say going into the bathroom getting the medication out of your purse.

You started the medication about 6 years ago because of your problem with being very paranoid about everything.

All the sudden you feel Calums hands around your waist and feel his chin on your shoulder.

You open your eyes and look in the mirror.

"Sorry I didn't mean to be so rude." You confess turning around facing Calum and giving him a hug.

While in the hug Calum kisses you on the head and starts to talk to you.

"It's ok, but you have to understand that getting this house with you is going to help you and me get closer, not for us to fight over a god damn picture on the wall." He says pulling you out from the hug but still holding you in the position of one.

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