School President- Luke

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A/N: HELLO HAPPY TUESDAY. This weeks theme is Election Day since today is indeed Election Day. Enjoy! :-)

Oh my god. Two days until the voting. You were very nervous because you only had a day to campaign and things weren't looking so good for you right now.

You weren't popular so you knew this wasn't going to be easy but you wanted this really badly. The only thing standing in your way was Luke. Luke Hemmings. Your bully/most popular guy in school.

Everyone thought he was the hottest man alive, sure he was good looking but personality mattered a lot to you and you weren't shallow enough to only think about what is on the outside, not to mention he is a huge man whore.

You decided to wear your red and black flannel with your arctic monkeys shirt under it, your black ripped jeans and black low top converse. You didn't really put much thought into what you wear but today was all about appealing to people so you decided to wear a little bit more makeup and make sure you look better than your usual "I just woke up 10 minutes ago don't talk to me" look. You decided to put a black beanie on your straight brown hair and gave yourself a pep talk before leaving to make your ascent to hell, oops I mean school.

You walk in and see your best friend Sam.

"Hey" she says.


"Are you nervous?" She asks.


"Don't be, I'll vote for your" she says.

"Oh gee thanks" you laugh.

You go to your locker and open for 2 seconds when it is slammed shut by none other than Luke Hemmings.

"Sup loser" he says.

You decide to ignore him and open up your locker when he decides to shut it again.

"UGH WHAT?!" you yell.

His eyes widen.

"I just wanted to say good luck before your ugly ass decided to scream at me" he says.

You finally look at him and eye him up. He was wearing his Nirvana shirt and the usual ripped black skinny jeans and his usual quiff.

"Like what you see Y/L/N" he winks.

"Please I'd rather drink toilet water" you counter.

"Watch it Y/L/N" he says before pushing you into the locker.

You fall onto the floor and sigh before picking up your books which we scattered all over the floor.

Fantastic you say to yourself.
You were currently standing on the stage along with your opponents in the auditorium in front of everybody in school waiting to make your speech.

"And now Y/FULL/N" your principle says with not the least bit of enthusiasm.

"Hello student body, I am Y/FULL/N. So some of you may know me as the nerdy girl or the teachers pet or just some nobody, but I would really like to be your class president. Now I'm not gonna make this some boring speech where I talk about the challenges I faced and get your pity but... I think I can represent us... all of us and make this school year better than the others. We can just be normal teenagers because this isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions, its time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere chill. Fall in love - a lot. Major in philosophy 'cause there's no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind. Then change it again, because nothing is permanent. I'm not saying you have to vote for me but it would be really cool if you did. Thank you.

You got a very loud applause and then you saw Luke who was also clapping surprisingly.
You walk out of the auditorium receiving numerous high fives and "can I have your number"s then you bump into someone. Luke.

"Hi" you say quietly.

"Hey" he says quietly.

"Look I'm sorry I have been such a dick to you and I'm always so mean to you but after seeing your speech I felt like a complete ass" he says.

"Why?" you say.

"Just seeing you up there speaking your mind and not caring what anyone else thinks... I just realized. I really like you." He says.

Your eyes widen.


"Yeah a lot" he laughs.

"Wanna go to a movie tonight?" He asks.

"Okay" you smile.

He pulls you in for a kiss and you cup his face in your hands and say "I really like you too".

Later you found out that you won. But you could care less, you had Luke and that's all that matters.

- Yeezy

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