The Masquerade Party (Ash)

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Today was the day, It was Halloween . Park High School was known for its crazy masquerade party every Halloween for seniors. Now it was your time. You and Y/BFF/N were sooo excited.

You were wearing a teal ball gown with a sparkly top that flowed all the way down, it was senior year so why not go all out? Y/BFF/N was wearing a short poofy red dress with a sparkly top. You decided to curl your hair from its normal brown straightness and natural eye makeup around your blue eyes. Everyone complimented your eyes but it never really mattered to you. Y/BFF/N wore pretty much the same makeup but she wore red lipstick and you went with a dark pink lipstick.

You both picked up your masks which were sparkly silver and went downstairs only to see your father.

"Don't talk to any boys" he said.

That was your dad always being overprotective but you couldn't help but internally laugh at the thought of not talking to any boys. I mean how could you not try to talk to the most popular guys in school Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood, Michael Clifford and the leader Ashton Irwin. Ashton was very nice he wasn't your typical douchey popular guy he actually talked to you once or twice when you were in the same class. Michael on the other hand was very rude and grumpy but Y/BFF/N always thought it was an act.

"Okay dad" you said.

"You girls look beautiful, have fun, but not too much fun" he said.

"Uh huh" you said mindlessly.

"Oh my god can you believe we're here?!" Your best friend said.

"This is crazy" you said.

You looked around at the school gymnasium, fairy lights hung around lanterns hanging, chandeliers and the miserable looking staff "chaperoning" the whole thing.

"I can't believe they got the smell of sweat out of here" your best friend said.

"I don't know how though, thought it would take years to get that stench to even be a fraction of not being as strong as it was" you said.

You and her then walked over to the punch bowl and laughed as your least favorite teacher, Mr. Chester handed it to you guys.

"Hey look over there!" Your best friend whispered to you while pulling your arm making your punch fall down all over the floor.

"Hey!!! My punch" you said.

"Sorry but look" she said.

You looked over and saw the unmistakeable curly dirty blond hair along with spiked up blonde hair, dark brown hair with blonde highlights and what it looked like to be red hair. Yup it was them.

"You have to go talk to them" she said.

"Okay" you said.

"Hey" you say to them.

"Um hi, sorry I don't know who you are cause of the mask" Ashton says giggling at his joke.


"Oh hi then" he says smiling.

"Ashton I didn't know you were friends with the loser" Michael says.

"Shut the hell up Y/N is cool" Ashton says defending you.

"Whatever if you'd rather hang out with her I'll be over there" Michael says.

"Okay" Ashton says.

"Well isn't he little miss sunshine" you said.

Ashton chuckles.

"That he is" he says.

You didn't notice until now Luke and Calum were hanging out with Y/BFF/N. Good for her you thought to your self.

" You wanna dance?" Ashton says.

"Okay" you say feeling butterflies in your stomach.

Ashton grins "lets go then".

While you were slow dancing in such close proximity you feel Ashton's heart beating and your sure yours is beating extremely fast.

Then your favorite song starts playing "Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran" and this moment suddenly becomes more meaningful then before.

When your legs don't work like they used to before

And I can't sweep you off of your feet

Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love

Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks...

You hear Ashton start to sing and it makes your heart melt.

The DJ then takes the microphone and says "As you all know at midnight we take off the masks" people started cheering, "Well it's 11:59... So let's start the countdown".

Oh no you think to yourself. If Rose Brooks see's you with her ex she will ruin the rest of high school for you.

"I have to go" you say to Ashton.

"Why?" He said looking disappointed.

"I can't ruin your popularity by being seen with me" you say.

"What? That's ridiculous" he counters.

You try to run but he grabs your arm and if you weren't spending your days on tumblr and not getting out of bed and instead going to the gym you probably could've gotten out of his grasp but you didn't.

Then everyone took off their masks and Ashton took off yours and you see Rose Brooks all the way across the room giving you the death stare. Then she runs up to the DJ and grabs the microphone.

"Look what we have here fugly over here is flinging herself onto my boyfriend" she says pointing at you.

Ashton just stands there shocked at his ex's behavior.

Then Michael grabs the mike and says "Yeah what a hoe" obviously high off of some type of substance.

"Now I'm gonna make your life hell" she says.

You run into the girls bathroom into a stall and slide to the ground sobbing. Then someone bursts through the door.

"Oh my god are you okay?!?" Your best friend says.


She opens her mouth to say something then hears something no one ever expected from the gymnasium.


Your mouth drops open. Then Ashton runs into the girls bathroom and sees you there broken crying on what was supposed to be your night.

"I'll leave" your best friend says.

"I didn't know you were embarrassed to be seen with me" Ashton says.

"It's not that, I just didn't want to ruin both of our experiences in high school at the same time" you say.

"I disappointed you thought I would do that" he says pulling you up from the floor.

"I just thought all of you popular people were the same" you say.

"Well you were wrong, I like you a lot" Ashton says.

Your heart practically explodes. Then he steps out of the way and you see yourself in the mirror and scream, mascara streaming down your face, puffy eyes you looked like a raccoon with rabies.

Ashton then wipes your stray tears and pulls you in for a passionate kiss.

"Let's start over" he says.

A/N: Okay I hope you liked our first imagine please tell your friends vote and comment.
- Yeezy

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