Broken Hearts and Styrofoam (Calum)

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Anyone else notice me channeling Ricky Dillon? No? RICKY RECK ME!!!!! Okeeeeyyy, so this week is kinda sad because its about cheating, but you should see what we have planned next week. I'm just trying to screw with your emotions ;);) IM SORRRRYY! Okay, ONWARD!!


"Cal!" You squeak as he kisses down your neck.

You were at a nice Japanese restaurant having dinner because he just got back from tour.

"Japanese is my favoorrriittee!" You exclaim as the waitress brings you your delicious platter of sushi.

You don't hesitate and rip open your chop sticks. Eyeing every diffent roll.

"Woah, easy there tiger!" He jokes.

There was something different about Calum. He seemed paranoid and tired.

He would flinch at the slightest bang.

"Cal, what's wrong?" You ask, reached your hand across the table, putting yours on his.

He flinched.

"Calum." You said this time a little more aggressively.

He looked up at you, tears pricking his brown eyes.

"Calum!" You said loud enough to gain a couple of stairs.

"I- I just have to go to the bathroom." He stuttered.

He stood up abruptly, letting his chair make screeching noises as he got up.

A few people rolled their eyes and whispered as he walked to the bathroom.

Calum looked distraught and tense.

You returned to your meal but couldn't take a bite.

There was a massive pit in your stomach.

Something was up.

After about 10 minutes, Calum returned.

You weren't going to ask why he took so long so you wouldn't embarrass him, but you were suspicious.

He sat down, silent.

He looked pale and drained.

"Do you want to go?" You asked.

He nodded.

You got the waitress over here and she boxed up your things and you paid the check.


Calum was driving even though you said you would. He just waved you off.

The drive home was silent. Except for the constant sound of taping coming from Calums fingers again the wheel.

"Cal." You said, slightly annoyed.

He stopped, then pulled over on the highway.

"What are you-" you were cut off by Calum opening the door and throwing up.

You rubbed his back and he tensed again.

What is going on

"Calum, go to the other side of the car, I'll drive."

He shook his head and looked at his lap.

Then sniffled.

"Calum what's going on, I'm worried." You say, attempting to grab his had but he pulls away.

"I don't deserve you." He says.

"What? Babe, what are you talking about. Of course you do." You said.

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