You are the only one-Luke

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A/N: HELLO I'm proud to say this week is cheating week. Even though I am sure none of the guys would ever do this we thought it would be cool to write about it. Let's get started.

You were currently sitting on your couch watching Keeping up with the Kardashians and eating a whole large pizza by yourself in your sweatpants and sweatshirt. This was a normal day when Luke was on tour with his band 5 Seconds of Summer.

Your daily schedule consisted of lots of eating and sleeping. Needless to say your life was pretty boring without Luke. You were never the social type. You didn't mind being alone because Luke loves what he does and you could never tell him to stop because you are lonely because you know he would.

Long distance was hard but you guys texted and called each other and tweeted each other but it was still hard.

Luke was coming home from touring in 2 days, the tour was over but they were doing promotions for their new album and partying.

You checked your twitter to see it blowing up with the same picture. It was Luke and some blonde girl making out in a club.

No, Luke wouldn't do this to me

He was obviously drunk but it hurt like hell to see the only person who made you feel like you were the happiest person on earth just break your heart just by one picture.

The next day and a half you spent crying and wallowing in pain. You haven't showered or eaten at all. Then you realized it's the day Luke comes home, and he would be home in a couple of hours.

You didn't answer any of his calls or texts. You were hurt.

You didn't know what to do. You didn't want to leave because you would have nowhere to go and you wanted to scream at him and see how it feels to have your heart ripped to pieces.

You took a shower and when you saw yourself in the mirror, you lost a lot of weight and looked like a completely different person.

Look what you did to me

After changing into different clothes you prepared a speech to say to him even though deep down you knew you would start crying in the middle of it.

You hear the door open.

"Y/N! Are you okay?! You didn't answer any of my calls or texts" he screams when he enters while you are still in your room.

You walk out and his jaw drops.

"Whoa you're so skinny. How did you lose so much weight?!" He says concerned.

"It's pretty easy when your boyfriend of 2 years cheats on you and the whole world knows about it" you say without making eye contact.

"Y/N...I...I" he says quietly.

"YOU WHAT?!" You scream.


"I'm so sorry" he says clearly ashamed.

"I was drunk and now that I see what I did to you how can I live with myself?" He says with tears in his eyes.

"I didn't kiss her, she kissed me" he says.

"I can't do this Luke" you say and take your jacket to walk out into the rain.

"Where are you going?!"

"Why do you care?" you say going into your car.

Luke then runs behind your car while you are trying to back out of the driveway.


You stop and get out of the car. You raise your eyebrow.

"I'm so so so sorry. I didn't even want to go to the club that night, Calum did".

You start to get back into the car.


He grabs you and kisses you.

"I'm so sorry"

"Don't let it happen again Hemmings" you say.

"I promise"

"I love you" he says smiling.

"I love you too"

A/N: did anyone else recognized the Ed Sheeran reference? Mmmm. Anyway have a great week!! :)

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