The Spooky Concert (Michael)

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It was the day before Halloween and you and your best friend t/n were picking out your costumes for the very special Halloween concert for the lovely boys of yup you guessed it 5 Seconds Of Summer. It was their first ever Halloween concert and you were excited you got third row. "Do you want to be a cat?" bff/n says "No, I will be a a belly dancer and you can be Tinker Bell " you say confidently. Since you are 18 you drive to party city with bff/n in your red jeep. Once you get there you realize that you guys forgot your wallets at the house, but you both tried on your costumes and they looked on point. So you both go up to the register and all the sudden you remember your other best friend t/n works there. "Oh, hey guys what's up?do u need help with anything?" "yeah we actually do need help is there anyway you can put this in the back so we can pick it up later because we forgot our wallets?" you ask "Ummmm well what I can do is give u guys the costumes for free and you don't need to come back to pay" bff2/n says looking around so nobody sees. "oh my god thank you so so so much I will see you later bye!". You and bff/n say your goodbyes to bff2/n and you go home. It's the next day the big day Halloween and the 5sos concert you are pumped. You wake up at 7:00am and you have to be out of the house by 1 even though the concert starts at 8. So you jump in the shower and everything seems normal to you so far and it's a pretty good day. "OH MY GOD YOUR HAIR IS...IS....I-" bff/n says with her mouth open and her eyes widened, "WHAT,WHAT IS WRONG WITH IT, IT IS THE SAME BLONDE HAIR I HAVE ALWAYS HAD!!" you say stating the obvious. "LOOK IN THE GOD DAMN MIRROR" "OMG MY HAIR ITS....ITS....GREEN, BLUE, AND PURPLE!!!" you say freaking out like crazy. So after that incident it's 9:00am and you get a call from bff2/n, "hey so you know how I gave you guys costumes for free yesterday?" "yeah" you say really confused, "well my boss found out and I need you to stop by and give me the money for it" "well ok how much was it?" " $200 for both." "$200 FOR THE COSTUMES OH MY GOD IF IT WAS THAT MUCH WE WOULD NOT HAVE BOUGHT THEM!!" "and I have more bad news there are no returns so....." "Ughhhhhh alright I will be there in a few" you say very frustrated. "hey where are you going it is 9:30 and we still have a lot to do?" bff/n asks in confusion. "don't worry about it just get ready I will be back with bagels and stuff in a few" "ok hurry up though" bff/n says with worry in her eyes. You did not want to tell her because then she will get over exaggerate and freak out and you never like when that happens. You go to the store and pay $220 (with tax). So you go back and get into your costume and it looks great at least that didn't go bad. It's 1:00pm and your about to leave when u realize that you literally don't have any money for the concert because you spent it all on the costumes and you only brought with you $300 so now you have no money for merchandise now. Great. All you have money is for gas now. So you and bff/n get into your car and start to drive
"I'm so excited for the 5sos concert and everything is going to be perfect we are going to see them and they will think we are gorgeous and take us backstage" bff/n says in confidence. "I hope so because this has been the worse day ever. Like EVER.."you say sighing "Did you bring your ticke-" " HOLY CRAP I FORGOT THEY ARE IN MY WALLET WHICH I LEFT AT THE HOTEL BECAUSE I HAD NO MONEY FOR ANYTHING!!!!!!!!" "It's to late to go back maybe we will see if we can get the security guards to take us backs stage" she nudges you and winks. You can't believe you forgot the tickets how could you it's the most important thing ever. You are driving to the parking spaces since you already got a parking ticket and you are 1 mile from the parking lot and yup you guessed it the tire ran flat. "You have got to be kidding me right now" you say as you start hitting your head on the stirring wheel. " Don't worry everything will get better I promise it will be absolutely perfect" good thing that the concert is in 6 hours so you have time to think. But then all the sudden a security guard pulls up and says to the both of us "So ladies I have one backstage/meet and greet to meet 5 seconds of summer who wants it?" we look at each other then you volunteer instead because you saw what happened in the justin Bieber movie when the girl gave up her tickets but then she got VIP. "I will stay out you go and have fun it's ok I will deal with it" you say while you give each other hugs. bff/n and the security guard leave and it's now been almost 20 minutes and you thought they would be back to get you for the VIP and meet and greet tickets but nothing happened. Its now 20 minutes before the show and you are sitting in your car with a flat tire, no money, no tickets, and a broken heart. All the sudden you hear a car pull up next to yours, you don't pull your head up because you just think it is a fan trying to meet the boys after the concert, and your car door was open to get some air for yourself so you don't waste gas. "Um excuse me?" you hear a very recognizing voice with the hand touches your shoulder. "yes" you say muffled with your head still down on the stirring wheel, he starts to rub your head and starts to sing your favorite song "beside you". "I wish i was, I wish I was beside you" you look up in awe as you see your idol standing right in front of you singing to you. The one the only Michael Clifford. "oh my Michael Clifford oh my g-" he stops you mid sentence and gives you a hug and asks you what happened, you tell him and he is shocked. "Wow you went through all this trouble just to see us you deserve a gold star" Mikey says with his adorable sense of humor, you give him the look and then he says"just kidding here is a VIP & meet and greet ticket". You start jumping up and down immediately you see his smile widen and that's when you wanted to be daring so you run up and kiss him on the cheek. He pauses and looks at you in shock you can't believe you did that, but after a minute he kisses you right back on the cheek and says to you "you are lucky you are Hot or I would have called the security guards" your mouth drops and you start to blush. Michael Clifford just called you hot the Michael Clifford called you hot oh my god no. After the exchanges of kisses on the cheeks he takes you to the stadium and brings you on stage for when they sing "Beside You". It was the greatest night for you ever and that bad day turned into one of the greatest.


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