•Ashton•Irwin•Ew• <Ashton>

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A/N Holaaaaaaaaaa I hope you •
have had a great week so far and have liked the stories! Enjoy this twist In a election!
It was December 22nd your fathers busiest time of year. He works at Verizon and the most popular item they sell at this time is the and only Iphone 6+! But there is one thing that you hate more then AT&T because they cut into your families money because every time you loose 100 iPhones to AT&T your family looses $2,000.
Lets just say you and your dad are close because you help with business,as the same with your mom but you and you dad still had something special.
"So how is the stocks going today honey?"
"Great actually,but so far AT&T has a way bigger profit then m-I mean us"
You always were very competitive even when you were 6 when you colored it had to beat everyone else.
*Bus horn*
" I got to go dad I will see you later" you say giving him a kiss and running out of the house to your bus.
You get on the bus you see your best friend (Y/BFF/N) obviously you sat there because who else would you sit with then.
As you sit down you see your worst nightmare.Ashton Irwin.Ew. He was the most popular guy in school even though your parents did the exact same thing, it made no sense.At All. But you had to admit he was really cute.
"Um so why are you staring at Ashton like it's weird you guys hate each other"
"uh..I..wh-...staring me psh no."
"You totally think he is cute don't resist it"
"I'm not why would I like him he is s-"
your in the middle of saying when she goes right up to him and asks him
"Do you have a girlfriend? because I have this really really pretty and nice friend and she thinks your cute"
"Uh I actually don't have a girlfriend me and Mary just broke up because she got accepted into college early in London"
She turns back to you with wide eyes and tells you he is single and ready to mingle and you both laugh.
*School Started Then Ended*
You walk home because you miss the bus and that is when you see the one the only Ashton, right when you try to avoid him he comes up to you.
"Hey cutie, what are you up to"
"Um don't call me that"
you say as he runs up to catch up with you.
"because I don't like you"
"yeah you do don't lie and it's ok because your cute and I like you to"
"just go away ok I need to get home"
"Just one date that's it, that's all you get"
"So you do think I'm cute because then you wouldn't have said yes"
"Just shut up ok"
You get his number and then walk the rest of the way home.
*Later that night*
"Hey daddy um can we talk for a second?"
"Yeah sure honey, anything what is it?"
You feel so bad this is probably the worst thing that he will ever here and as you looked at him his face just read innocent all over it but here it goes.
"Well,you know the Irwins? Ok so their son Ashton asked me out on a date and I really want to go with him because he is really cute an-"
"No, you will not be going any where with that young man he is a useless piece of crap"
"No, he is not dad, he is nice and I think I like him a lot."
"You are not going ANYWHERE with him and If you do there will be very big punishment."
"And if I do what is the punishment"
"Nothing, as of right now but I will think about it"
After this talk you went up to your room and texted Ashton.
You: Hey
Ashton 😜: Hey, what's up
You: Actually nothing do you want to go to the movies or something
Ashton😜: Ya I will pick you up at your house in 10 minutes?
Me: Actuallyyyyy can you pick me up at the park down the street from me? I will explain later....
Ashton😜: Yeah be there soon!
You looked at his text but never answered so you snuck down the stairs to the door when you hear your mom call you.
"(Y/N) Where are you going it's 9:00 at night you should be in your room studying."
"Mom I'm going out with a friend that's a boy to the movies, he is from my Tech class"
"Oh ok honey have fun,be safe, love you"
"Love you to and I will"
You give her a quick peck on the check and then you are out the door.You see Ashton's car and start walking toward it. Damn he has a nice car, better then mine you thought. You get in and see him and his cute dimples
"Oh hey you"
"Hi" you say with a vey sad look on your face. He looks at you and does a really cute puppy dog sad face then he giggles.
"Well, My dad won't let me talk to you or hang out with you so I snuck out and came here with you"
"Well aren't you a good girl who haven't been caught!" he smiles.
•••••••After that date you guys really hit it off it was after 1 week you were a couple since then it was your 7 Month anniversary•••••••••
Ashton 😜: Good morning beautiful!
You : Good morning
Ashton 😜: You are my world and I'm so happy we are together :)
You: Same :)
"Honey,can you come down here a second?" you hear your dad scream so you went down to the kitchen.
"Yeah daddy?"
"Are you all ready to leave for the awards in a hour?"
Every year there is an award show that picks the best selling company and the winner gets an award. That's it you don't get why your dad makes such a big deal about it, it was stupid but at least your boyfriend Ashton was going.
You get into your dress which was a
Red dress that was right and your favorite pair of black heels with a glossy touch.
You slip into them and do your make up then your hair. You look outstanding and are hoping Ash thinks so to.
You get your teeth brushed and then get into your dads car.
"Are you excited honey?"
"yup dad I'm going to faint I can't wait"
"Now, now honey don't get smart with me, it will be really fun and we are going to win this I promise"
"ok dad whatever you say I'm only excited because Ash-"
"Don't even say his name."
You guys pull up to the venue and get out of the car you see Ashton and run to him and give him a kiss. Your dad turns to you and calls you over because he got mad. Love you, you whisper, he whispers it back then you go inside.
Here it comes the award if you and your dad didn't win you will get it after the show.
Your dad turns to you and gives you a big hug and pulls you up on to the stage. As he is saying you see Ashton with his dad in the row in front of the stage. He is smiling but his dad looks as if he just got punched in the face.
He storms out of the award show while holding Ashton's arm. You look at Ashton and realize he is gone so you follow his dad and him to the back of the event center.
"Ashton you knew the deal yet you disappointed me yet again"
" Dad I didn't know they were going to win you knew that I was trying "
"Well you didn't try hard enough because the plan was to date (Y/N) and make her forget about the business which made them weak and they loose and we win, it wasn't that hard, you would have got $29,000 but it's to late now"
Your mouth drops and you start to cry a little. Ashton walks right in front of you stopping realizing you it all.
" No,No,No It is not what it soun-"
•• Later that night••

Ashton keeps texting you and you don't answer until you finally decide to read one of its texts and you can't believe what it says your mouth drops and you freeze.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed comment what you think the text message says love you lots Bye Boo💖
~ Paris.csl

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