That's The Real Question (Calum)

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A/N: Hello people of the Internet! How are you? Good, Good. I'm good to. I just wanted a Calum montage alright. Can we get an amen on the video please though lol.

"Next up on Night time Chat, (Y/N)! So don't go anywhere! We will be right back with her!" The interviewer, Jerry, says to the camera as the crowd claps and cheers.

They go off the air and the makeup artist and hair stylist go on to the set and fix Jerry's hair and makeup.

"I'm so nervous!" You say to your best friend (BFF/N), looking around.

"Don't be you'll be fine trust me" (BFF/N) says patting you on the shoulder.

"Do you think they're going to ask about Calum and I?" You say bitting your lip.

"Yeah obviously there an interview show they have to ask the questions that people want to hear answers for." (BFF/N) says making you even more nervous.

"What are you going to say if they ask if you and Calum are a thing?" (BFF/N) asks with a concerned look.

"I'm going to say no." You say laughing.

"But you guys are a thing." (BFF/N) says in a confused tone.

"Well Calum and I have decided to keep it on the down low, so no drama would start." You replay.

"We are back on the air, are you ready?" A stage crew person says to you, walking you toward the entrance to the set where Jerrys desk was and two chairs beside it.

"Yeah, all really to go!" You say and give (BFF/N) a quick hug before getting dragged away by the stage crew woman.

"So basically when he looks at you and gives you the cue of just saying And here she is now, (Y/N)! Okay?" She says leaving your side after she is done with her sentence.

A couple minutes after she said that you heard your cue you walk out onto the set and wave to the crowd as you walked in.

When you got to where Jerry was he was standing up so you walked over and gave him a hug before you sat down.

After the hug you sat down in the chair and the crowd started to quiet down.

"Hello!" He says sitting back down in his chair behind the desk.

"Hi, How are you?" You ask smiling.

"I'm good how are you?"


"So recently you went to the Grammys am I correct?"

"Yes you are, I won a Grammy for album of the year and artist of the year." You say as the crowd starts to clap.

"Wow that's outstanding, and its your first award show ever if I'm not mistake?"

"Yeah, it was really exciting to go to the Grammys for the first time ever and win 2 of them. It was unbelievable."

"Who did you go with to this special event?"

"Well I went with my best friend (BFF/N)" You say as a picture
on the screen behind you pops up of the 2 of you.

You smiled at the picture because it was the best night of your life but you also were smiling because they didn't ask you about your relationship with Calum.

"So, it's the time that we have to the real question we have had for about two months, are you in Calum a thing?" He asks you as new pictures arrived on the screen of you and Calum walking out of a dance club together.

"We are just very close friends." You hated lying but you just did to Jerry's face.

"oh really because we have this video of the last time 5 Seconds Of Summer were on the show and this is what he said to this question."

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