Hazy Days

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A/n: I'm soooooo sorry the past imagine we have been sad, but neek week is gonna be like a rainbow. Or like Luke Hemmings shirtless... THAT TOWEL IS SATAN I TELL YOU! SATAN!! This weeks theme is tragedy, not my idea but the sad iamgines are normally the juicy ones. The irony... So, without further ado, let's get started with our main pizza loving teddy bear, Michael Gordon Clifford.


"Its cold out here Mikey!" You say as you step out of your log cabin, heading to the car.

"Babe, I've heated the car up already." Michael says, taking you by the hand.

You and Mikey were staying at a ski lodge in the swiss alps. Fancy right.

Today you were going snowboarding, and you were super excited.

The mountain's have always been your place. It was the only place in which everything felt right.

It felt right. It felt like you belonged there.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking out over the sea of skiers made you feel free and liberated. You couldnt ask for anything more and the feeling of the snow on your face made you so happy.

The mountains were your escape.

"I'm so excited babe." Michael said.

"Me too. I can't wait feel the wind on my face when I'm going down the hill!" You said excdetly.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." He chuckled.

As you two drove to the resort you noticed the snow shining brightly on the treetops It was a sunny day and you were really excited.

However, as you approach the resort you got a funny feeling in your stomach, as if something bad was going to happen today. But you ignored it because today was the day you were going to snowboard and you barely got to do that.

"We're here!" Mikey said cheerfully. You got out of the car not wasting a second to get to the reception desk. You quickly showed them your pass to get in. After, you waited at the entrance for Mikey.

"Someone's excited." He teased,holding all of yours and his snowboarding supplies.

"Oops, sorry Mikey." You said blushing and grabbing your supplies.

"I'll meet you outside." You said, and then walked into the girls lock room.

He nodded and went into the boys room.

As you changed, you got the feeling in your stomach again.

Its nothing, you told yourself.

You walked out to greet an eager Mikey.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Always ready." You replied.

You two made your way to the lift and got online.

Michael stopped to take a few pictures on the way.

As you got on, the feeling returned.

What if something happens

"You know, I've always wanted to try this slope." Michael said, taking you out of your thoughts.

"Uh-huh." Is all you could say.

"Hey, you alright?" He said, grabbing your hand.

"Yeah, yeah. Just a little nervous."

"You. Nervous. I don't think so." He said and laughed.

All you could do was laugh too because you were so consumed in the 'what-ifs'.

"Mikey, what if something happens?"

"Nothing will happen. I'll protect you to the ends of the earth. I'm Super Mikey!" He jokes.

You weakly smile and peck him in the lips.

The lift came to an end and you got off.

As you were at the top of the hill you felt everything fall into place, you were in your element. Nothing could stop you now, not even that feeling in your stomach.

"Ready?" You asked Michael.

He nodded.

"On the count of 3. 1,2,-" Michael zipped off.

"Hey!" You shouted.

But there was no time to loose.

You quickly caught up to him. As you two were right next to eachother, you winked. Making him go even faster.

But you had this in the bag. You found your self much ahead of Michael, so you room a quick break.

That's when he zipped past you.

Oh its on

You sent after him. Noticing this, he went faster.

Too fast

Not paying attention, he slammed into a tree.

Oh my god

You rushed over to him and took his head into your lap.

You were a mess of snowboards and blood.

He was uncontious, so you waved over the patrol.

They took him in a stretcher down the hill and you fallowed close by.

They loaded him up in the a!balance and the man asked you, "Are you his girlfriend?"

You nodded and he let you sit in the back.

On the way to the hospital you thought of all the what ifs.

What if he breaks a bone

What if he looses too much blood

What if...

The last one was too horrible to think about.


1 Week Later

"You alright babe?" You asked Michael as you brought him his soup.

"Yeah, thanks." He said, kissing you on the cheek.

Michael came out of the hisoital with a broken wrist and a few bruises.

Nothing fatal but he couldn't play the guitar.

Therefore, the guys had to cancel a few shows. But in all honesty, everyone just wanted him to get better. All the fans were tweeting him 'get well' tweets and his family were sendo g him funny postcards.

"I love you Michael."

"I love you Y/N."


A/n: Hommmiiieeeesss waaaaazzz upppppp?!!!?? Sorry I updated so late, but I was out with my buds. Wow. W0W. Okay, uhhhh, I tried to not make this one too sad, but Mikey getting hurt could break a billion hearts. Until next time Spaghetti-O's ~ West_Coast

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