All Yours- Michael

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A/N: •((this is an early update bc I felt like you guys deserve it for being hella awesome))•
hello everyone guess who's back back again?!? Shady jk I wish anyway this weeks theme is "Wedding" aww and lmao I know the pic is photoshopped but there are no pictures of Mikey in a tux lmao sorry I just thought that was funny ight legoo

You were preparing for your wedding with your mom and your sister.

You unwillingly let them plan the whole wedding because they knew if it was down to you, you guys just would've gotten married in Vegas with no big party but if it made your mom happy whatever.

You were wearing the most beautiful wedding dress you've ever seen it had lace sleeves and was a mermaid style dress and you wore a handmade flower crown that matched your brides maids dresses on your curly hair.

"I hope you guys didn't f**k this up" you say to your mom who was dusting you off for no reason.

She gasps "Y/N you do not swear!"


She gives you a dirty look before forgetting all about the incident completely.

"Are you nervous?" you hear you sister say.

"No not really I love him he loves me so why would I be?"

"Good answer, you couldn't have chose a better person for you" you mom says tearing up.

"Suck it up mom" you say.

"You always did have a way with words Y/N" she says chuckling.

"Time to go" your sister says.

You hear the typical wedding music play and know that is your cue so you hook your arm around your dad and take it all in.

It was gorgeous it was in the forest and all of the trees had white flowers hanging off them. It wasn't too hot or too cold and you look around to see all of your friends and family.

When you look at Michael time just stops and this may seem cliché but it felt like you two were the only ones there and hot damn he looked good in a suit.

When you get up to him you take his hands in yours and smile.

"Hey" he says.

"What's up?"

The ceremony continued and it was time to say your vows, you went first.

"I remember the day I met you, when we were at Starbucks and the woman dropped my latte on me and you rushed over with napkins and helped me clean up, I remember the exact moment I looked in your eyes something told me that I was going to marry you, and of course I didn't tell you that because god knows you would've ran away and we wouldn't be standing here today getting married and I wouldn't be the most luckiest girl to ever walk the earth because you are just a marvelous person all around. You make me feel like the world isn't so bad and for that I am so grateful that I can call you mine, I love you so very much, never forget that, I've seen you at your best and at your worst and I choose both" when you finish you see Michael with tears in his eyes.

It was his turn now.

"I affirm my love to you, as I invite you to share my life. You are the most beautiful, smart, and generous person I have ever known, and I promise always to respect you and love you. With kindness, unselfishness and trust, I will work by your side to create a wonderful life together. You are the funniest person I have ever met and are also the weirdest. I will love you as long as you love me, love never goes out of style and neither does loving and you prove that point to me every single day and I thank you for that I love you"

By the end of Michaels vows you are just ready to break down in tears out of the admiration for this boy.

After the ceremony you guys party it up and even have Ed Sheeran perform One, Kiss Me and All of the stars.

It was a memorable night and you couldn't be happier that it was spent with your best friend and now husband Michael Gordon Clifford and he was
all yours
A/N: aw that was cute haha it was kinda awko writing vows but I did and for the wedding I kind of pictures it like how it was in Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 1 which was in the forest so sorry if you thought that was weird just google it, it was a gorgeous wedding omfg.

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