Wrath of Aunt...

891 49 38

Loki POV

" Calm down. Just say sorry and some flattering words. Use your silver tongue Loki. " I mentally encouraged myself. I cleared my throat to catch her attention. She looked at me for a second then turned her head away.

I can't see her expression but I can feel that she's umm...angry.

" Mortal. " 𝘚𝘩𝘪𝘵 𝘓𝘰𝘬𝘪! " I-I mean Rose, no wait, Rosabelle. Umm... I'm guilty for what I've done and I would be grateful if you forgive me... " I stopped when I didn't get any response. " What the hell happened to my silver tongue? " I cursed myself.

"Listen, I'm really erm... *cough* sorry. I never apologize to any mortals that are beneath me but. But I'm doing it now, because I feel guilty... Forgive me? "
I got silence in response.

" Say something... "

Silence again.

"Well, I liked your pudding! " I forced a smile to ease the tension but failed to get something out from her.
"You're so stubborn morta-Rosabelle! " Guilt and anger started building inside me, making me irritated.

" For Valhalla's sake, say something! " I half-yelled. In response to this, she laid back on her bed and pulled up the blanket to cover herself , leaving me staring at her, stupidly.

I felt angry and...defeated.

" Very well then... I don't care. I did a good work. And I'll do it again! " I threw the words at her and stomped out of the room to find the Avengers present in the living room. They all looked stressed and nervous. Why?

" Sir, Lady Sue has reached the tower with a girl and a cat. " The ceiling man informed Stark. " Let them in, Jarvis. "
The door opened and an old woman with a cross look on her face entered, followed by a excited looking young girl with a small creature in her arms.

" Where's Rose? " She asked Stark. Stark visibly gulped and took her to the infirmary, with the girl who was gawking at everything.


No one's POV

Rose stared at the ceiling, trying to suppress her anger. That man is a spoiled brat. " I shouldn't have done that much to please me. Dammit! Why the fuck did I try to please him? He deserves nothing. And was he apologising? Really? " She grumbled.

"Kid! " Rose turned her head towards the door to find Mr. Stark standing with Aunt Sue and Lucy. She nearly jumped out of the bed in joy. " Aunt! Lucy! " They hesitated. " Are you Rose? " Lucy asked.
Oh right! She forgot about that. Rose tried to put on her illusion but it stayed for less than 5 seconds, when it flickered and disappeared. " It's me. " She whined.

They hurriedly rushed towards her and crushed her with their hugs. " I missed you both. " Rose laughed. " We too child. We too. " Aunt whispered kissing her cheeks. Lucy placed Pom on her lap. " Pom! My love! Aww I missed you too! " She cooed when it licked her face and cuddled.

" What had happened, child? Are you okay now? " Aunt came straight to the point, the smile now was replaced with a worried frown. " I just had a panic attack. I saw a big spider actually. You know how much they scare me. " Rose replied. " I'm glad you are okay sis. I was dead worried. " Lucy said, hugging her again.

"Umm... Ma'am Sue? " The trio looked at Tony who stood awkwardly at the door. " I'll talk to you guys later. " came Aunt's brief reply. Rose felt bad for him.
" 𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘰𝘬, 𝘔𝘳. 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘬. 𝘈𝘶𝘯𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘢 𝘣𝘪𝘵. " She said in his head, making him jump. He then looked at her and nodded before leaving.

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