You're a Bad Girl

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"Are you done sweetheart?" Frigga cooed, rubbing Rose's back. Rose shook her head, heaving. " I don't think-" She retched in the basin the last time before slumping back on the ground against Frigga. "I'm done now." She croaked out, grimacing at the still bitter taste in her mouth.

Yeona helped cleaning the mess and Frigga wiped Rose's forehead, giving her some water to drink. "You have to take the medicine again, Rose." Eir said as Rose laid down back on the bed.
"It's soo bitter! I puked just because of it." Rose complained weakly, rubbing her forehead.

"You threw up all the medicine you have taken and that is why you have to take it again. Now be a good girl and open your mouth." Eir brought a small bowl of some kind of green liquid. The smell alone was enough to make her gag. "God! You're so strict." Rose groaned, clutching the bowl in her shaky hands.

"I told ya! Thee ith a Meany. And it ith tho bitter...yuck." Yev shivered in disgust. Eir smiled at him. "And you are a baby." She teased.
"No! 'm not!" Yevhen protested, stumping his feet on the ground and huffing.

"Can't I have something that know something sweet maybe..." Rose mumbled. "What you want? Sugar cubes?" Frigga asked.
"I have a candy!" Yevhen piped in and took out a orange coloured hard round candy from his pocket. Rose smiled brightly.

"Aww! Thank you buddy! You're my savior!" She blew a kiss which he catched and placed it on his heart with a dramatic sigh. The rest burst out laughing.
"He's going to be a womanizer, Yeona." Rose laughed again, taking the candy.
"The fault is of Fandral's. He's rubbing off on Yev." Yeona complained.

"Now Rose, drink it." Eir tapped Rose's head. She nodded, bringing the golden bowl closer to her lips. The green gooye thing made her nauseous and gag.
Ok can do it. Just gulp it down.
Without giving it a second thought, she emptied the bowl in one large gulp and swallowed it.

Her hands shot up to cover her mouth as she took deep breaths to control the rising bile in her mouth. "Fast! Pop candy in your mouth!" Yeona yelled and thankfully, Rose did that. The tangy and sweet taste defeated the bitter one and Rose heaved a sigh of relief, swiftly sucking the candy.
"Ugh! That-that was a close call." Rose breathed out, shuddering and slumped on the bed.

"So how are you feeling now?" Eir asked, checking her temperature with hand. "My head is paining and spinning. My throat burns and my nose is stuffed. My head feels so heavy-" and another coughing round. "And coughs."
"Your coughs will subside. The medicine you took was for it. Anything else?"
"My eyes burn. My body is paining and I feel so lazy and weak."

"These are the symptoms of fever." Frigga spoke up, rubbing her palm on Rose's arms. "Mhmm... She's warm." Eir added. "Yeona, come with me. I will tell you what to give her to eat. And Yev-" She turned to face the boy. "Rose needs rest. I think you don't want getting sick, right?"
Yev frowned. "But... I will protect Roth. Thee need me."

Rose smiled and ruffled his blond curls. "You protected me by giving me your candy, baby. Now listen to Meany. The medicines are really bitter and I don't want such a sweet boy like you to eat those. When I'll be fine again, I'll play with you, okay?"

"Be a good boy. I'll get you lots of candies and toys from Loki."
"Loki ith mean." Yev pouted. Rose laughed and Frigga, Eir joined her. "Yes, he's mean sometimes. But sometimes he's good too. He can show you magic too!"   "Really!" His eyes twinkled.

"Yes! Really! Just say please and give him the puppy eyes I taught you, okay?" Yev nodded. "Yeth! Puppy eyes workth!" He faced Eir. "Meany I'm ready to go!"He hopped out of the room with Eir and Yeona following him. But then again, he came back.

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