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"Yev? Baby?"

Rose cooed as she stepped in a room, toys scattered around. She found the boy playing with a stuffed horse.

"Yev?" She called again and this time managed to catch his attention. Yev turned around and his face took on a surprised expression, as if he didn't trust his eyes.

"Roth?" He asked softly, clutching the soft toy in his little hand. Rose smiled, nodding and spread out her hands towards him. "Come here, baby." Yev smiled brightly and took a step or two but abruptly stopped, the smile dropping off.

"I'm thory..." He hiccuped and dashed past her too quick that she failed to catch him. She sighed sadly.

Yevhen was scared. Since that night, he was having nightmares and that too the same ones. The glinting sword and the bad man hurting Rose and himself.

And he was embarassed too. Embarrassed because instead of saving Rose from the clutch of the bad man, he fled from there, peeing in his pants. Now how can he show his face to her? He's not at all brave and hence, doesn't deserve to marry her.

"Did you get to talk to him?" Came the soothing velvety voice. Rose shook her head, standing up. "He ran away. Poor Yev. All because of my stupidity."

"Now now, hush sweetheart." Loki kissed her forehead lovingly. "Don't blame yourself. It's over now. Let me talk to him."

Rose raised her brows in surprise. "You? Talk to Yev? Seriously? Last time you tried to talk, he ended up crying."

Loki frowned. "You underestimate me, Kitty. That urchin and I are on good terms now." He flicked her nose. "Just you wait and see how talented I am."

Rose laughed. "Sure! Go ahead Mr. Talented."


Loki found the child sitting on a swing, stuffing grapes in his mouth and sniveling. He sat down beside him, and after steadying his balance heaved a sigh.

"Hi Yev." Loki greeted.

"Hello Loki." He greeted back, sulking.

"Well... Won't you share your grapes with me? They look tasty."

Yev looked up at him, teary eyed and nodded. He counted and placed four grapes on Loki's big palm.

"Oh! You're a generous boy!" Loki exclaimed, seeing how less Yev has shared with him, compared to the bunch he has.

"What that mean? Gene-roth?"

"Umm...it means you're kind and giving." Loki answered with a smile. Yev oh'ed.

"So, I heard that you didn't come to meet Rose for whole three days. Is it true?"

Yev looked down at the bunch of grapes in his hand and slowly nodded.
"Yeth...did thee mith me?"

Loki nodded. "Yes! She missed you a lot. Always wondering why isn't her knight in armour coming to meet her. You're so brave afterall."

Yev sniffled and fat tears rolled down his chubby cheeks. Loki tensed.

Oh damn it! Did I say something wrong? Ugh! I'm no good.

"Hey! Hey boy! Wh-why are you crying? Ssh! Stop crying please." Loki tried to calm the boy down and thankfully he stopped sobbing.

"Don't lie. I am not brave. I left Roth alone with that bad man. He hurt her and I not thave her. I'm not brave." And again the waterworks.

"Hey hey ssh! Who said you are not brave? You're, infact braver than me!" Loki crooned, rubbing his back as the child hiccuped.

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