The First Mission

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Rose POV

After playing video games and all, it was decided to end the night with a last game. Well not a game actually. Someone will ask a question and everyone else has to answer it honestly. After taking a serious oath so that no one would dare to lie, the game started.

"Who smoked atleast once?"
Only Nat raised her hand. "What? Did once in a mission. It was needed to." She reasoned.

"Fell into a drain?"
Steve, Thor, Loki and Clint raised hands.

" I was bullied." Steve said.
" Nat pushed me into one." Clint pouted.
" We were fighting and tripped and splash!" Thor explained.

"Who got drunk?"
Mr. Stark, Bruce, Loki and Thor raised hands.
"He peed in his suit once!" Miss Potts chuckled. We burst out laughing making Mr. Stark scowl.

"Ever went to jail?"
Only Loki raised his hand. "Ehehe!"

"Ever kissed someone on lips?"
Almost everyone raised hand except me. I gulped.

"Who's still a virgin?" I didn't respond. I was not liking this game anymore. Only Steve and Miss Potts raised their hands.

"Hey Rose! You're not a virgin?!" Clint exclaimed loudly making me flinch. I could feel everyone staring at me making my heart thump louder and faster and harder.

"No I-I am a virgin! I was just-just a bit late to raise hand-" I shuttered, smiling weakly but Loki fixed me with a narrowed look.

"Lies." He said, frowning.

"Who's that lucky guy, huh?" Nat wiggled her brows. "There's nothing to hide!"

"It's... it's not like that. It's just...umm..." I had nothing to change the topic.

"Oh c'mon Rosie! Tell us. Who is him? Has he got to see your real form then?"
Miss Potts nudged my arm.

" I'm not in any relationship. I never was." I took in a sharp breath. I was feeling uncomfortable and nauseous. Please God please help me now!

" Then?" Steve asked, frowning. They were all waiting for an honest answer.

"You won't like the answer..." My eyes were brimming now. "Just drop the topic."

The stares turned hard. "What are you hiding? Did someone..." Mr. Stark placed the words as smoothly as he could. "Someone hurt you?"

"I-I was r-raped when I was t-twelve. In Hy-hydra." There, I said it.

I kept looking down, waiting for the ground to swallow me. Waiting for my heart just to stop. Waiting for my existence to cease 'cause God! I never felt so ashamed in my whole fucking life. The silence in the room was deafening and I could taste the bile in my mouth.

Unable to tolerate the silence anymore, I stood up quickly. "Excuse me please-"

"Rose we don't... I mean... I-" Steve and Loki started hurriedly.

"It's ok. I-I think it's late now. I should... I need rest. Good night." I teleported away to my room before anyone could stop me. I scrambled and collapsed on my bed, pressed the knees tightly to my chest and started rocking myself.

As I did before in Hydra, when I was alone and in pain.

Oh the embarrassment....

"It's ok! Don't cry! Don't cry! It's nothing new!" I kept muttering, trying my best to calm myself down but failing miserably. I couldn't breathe properly.

What will the rest think about me? How will I look at them in their eyes?


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