The Ball

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This chapter is a bit long. I suck at writing some party atmosphere but as usual, I tried my level best. And sorry for updating so late. Inwas grounded and... leave it.



"Loki?" Rose peeked inside Loki's room and found it empty. "Where did he go? He was not even in the library." Rose walked out of the corridor and crashed into someone so hard that she fell on the floor. 

"Ouch! I'm so-"
"Are you blind, Midgardian?" Rose's eyes snapped up and met a glaring grey ones.

"Oh! Not you again." Rose mumbled rolling her eyes and rubbed her elbow. Neith snickered and offered Rose her hand. Rose stared at it suspiciously.

"Oh come on, Midgardian. I'm not killing you." Neith mocked and her smirk widened when Rose placed her hand in hers.

What Rose didn't notice was Neith's grey orbs turning to black for a second or two and the jolt of energy passing through her body.

Rose didn't remember Loki's warning.

"Thanks Neith-" Rose looked around to find Neith already walking away. She huffed. "Whatever... She doesn't deserve my thanks." She turned the other side and was about to start walking when she was confronted by Fandral.

"Ma chérie! How is your health?" He asked, kissing her knuckles. "I'm alright now, Fandral." She smiled. "Where are you going by the way?" She asked.

"Just wandering around. No work and didn't feel like training." He shrugged and ran his fingers through his tousled dirty blond hair. "Did you prepare for the Ball dance?"

Rose shook her head, her eyes widening. "Dance!? I- no... I don't even know how to dance." Rose frowned. "Is it really important?"
"Of course! It is! And being a guest to the royal family, you have to dance tomorrow." Fandral informed. She gulped nervously. "What will I do now?"

"If you want then I can teach you how to dance." Fandral offered, a charming smile on his face. Rose looked surprise. "Really! That's so sweet of you Fandral! But..."

"How will I learn dancing so quickly? The Ball is tonight." Rose huffed sadly. Fandral smiled and took her hand in his. "Why torment your pretty head when I'm here to solve your problems? Don't worry. It's not too difficult. Just some basic steps."

"When do we start then?"
"If you don't mind" Rose nodded quickly. "Sure!"

"Okay, the first thing to remember is that while dancing..." Fandral lifted up her chin with his finger. "don't look down. Looking down will mess up your steps. Just follow your partner's movement and try not to step on his feet." Rose laughed. "Frankly speaking, I don't think I can avoid stumping anyone's feet. I'm extremely clumsy."

Fandral laughed with her. "Well your clumsiness makes you different from others." He said winking. Rose smiled, rolling her eyes. "Stop flirting, Fandral." He faked a hurt look. "I said the truth."

"Woah! Thanks a lot for telling me the truth. Now will you start?"

Fandral laughed again. "Okay okay miss feisty!" He placed his right hand on her lower back and guided her right hand to his shoulder. He took her other hand in his left one and then grinned. "First step completed." Rose's cheeks lined with baby blush at the close proximity. He smelt like spices and it was tingling her nose.

"Now follow my steps. One two front. One two back. One two front and then swirl." He swirled her around. Rose blinked rapidly. "Woah! That's simple!"
Fandral nodded. "This is basic steps. Now you have to manage your steps according to the rhythm of the music." Rose nodded.

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