Danger lurking behind

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Rose drew out her claws, as she glared at the man in front of her. She bared out her teeth, her sharp and slightly longer canines glinting.
"Leave her alone." She snarled, ready to unleash the growling beast at the man.

The woman's hair slipped out from the man's grip and he pushed away her frail and broken body with his foot. The whip, stained with a bit of blood and torn skin, was still in his hand as he stared at the girl in armour who had just barged in without knocking.

If she was someone else, he would have surely punched and whipped her to death for this type of behaviour. But this girl was different. She was soo beautiful and alluring that he found himself immobile and gaping at her. The longer he stared, the more he found himself drowning in those dark blue eyes.

This girl was not only beautiful but also a ferocious one. The way her lips were pulled back in a snarl, her pearly whites flashing with growls, she was angry.

I need this one... I need this woman for me...

Smirking, he whacked the whip on the floor and the trembling woman on the floor yelped, scared. "Why should I leave her alone? She's my servant." He said, as he picked up the woman by her hair.

Rose growled, her fists clenching tightly. So tightly that her claws got buried in her palms. "Servant or not, no one deserves this punishment. I warn you... let her go and I'll spare you."

The man laughed. "You'll spare me!?! Listen girl, don't cross your limits. If you beg for forgiveness, maybe I'll be a little bit generous in bed. And if not,"
He whacked the whip on the woman's back, making her cry out. "You'll be next."

No sooner had the words left his mouth, Rose lunged at him with a animalistic growl and slashed his cheek with her claws. The woman screamed and ran out, crying for help while the man kept groaning and cursing in pain. Rose leaped back panting, her hands covered with blood and pieces of torn skin hung from her claws.

Rose failed to notice the knife in his hand. With a cry, he jumped and slashed the knife, the blade cutting through Rose's right forearm. She cried out and kicked the man hard in his shin. Thankfully, the cut wasn't deep because of the armour but it was burning like hell.

The man lunged again, knife raised in air but this time, Rose was quick. She stepped to the side, grabbed the man's hand and twisted it. A sickening crack echoed in the room as the knife fell free from his hand on the floor, with a clatter. The man lay whithering and screaming out in agony while Rose stared at the man, her head tilted as she enjoyed the screams.

She picked up the knife, her eyes hard and cold, her lips curled up in a sick smile. She advanced towards the man and lifted up the knife in the air. The man's eyes widened with fear seeing the murderous look on her face. With a scream, she brought the knife down to pierce his eye but failed when suddenly, someone grabbed her arms and harshly pulled her away from the man.

Rose screamed and screeched angrily, trying to free herself from the tight hold as she watched the guards pick up the man with bloodied face. His left cheek had four long slashes, running from his jaw to his nose. Thick red blood oozed from the gashes and Rose sneer in pleasure.

"She's CRAZY! Lock her up! KILL HER!" The man screamed and then cried out, clutching his dislocated shoulder.

"Watch your mouth, Sir Tyler!" The man who was holding her tightly, bellowed loudly. It took Rose's muddled up mind some time to recognise the voice. It was Thor.

"Thor!" She started to wriggle more vigorously hoping for his grip to lose a bit but to her annoyance, Thor held her tighter.
"Calm down sister. Stay still." Thor said strictly.
"He needs to be killed Thor! Let me go! Aargh!" She tried to scratch his face but Thor grabbed her hands and turned her around to face him.

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