Only If She Knew

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"Aand he got loong two ho'nss. But *hic* but Thor got feathwes... Ya know him?" Rose asked, twisting a lock of Loki's hair, her eyes half-closed.

Loki was carrying her on his back (piggyback), her legs securedly wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck. She kept mumbling about 'Loki', her face in the crook of his neck and sometimes played with his locks as she is doing now.

He could have teleported to the Tower but he knew Rose's stomach wasn't so strong to tolerate the sudden displacement. On the other hand, Loki was enjoying every moment of it. He had missed her scent, touches and warmth.

"Yes. I do know him. He's a big buffoon." Loki answered, as he continued walking.

"Ya talk 'ike Loki *hic*... I've a sec'et. Pwomise ya won't tell him." Rose slurred, not having the complete control over her own words and mind.

"Secret? What secret?" Loki thought. "I promise."

"I filled his he'met with jello...hehe..*hic*hehehe... not Thor...sssh! Don' tell him." Rose giggled. Loki couldn't help but laugh at her adorableness and silly behaviour.

He had stabbed Thor for it. Not that he regrets it. He enjoys stabbing the God of thunder.

They finally reached the tower. Rose was clearly not aware of it as she continued her blabbering and giggling throughout the way. But her voice was now low, almost murmurs. Loki knew that she was sleepy and tired and that increased his walking pace.

As soon as they entered the living room, they were greeted by the Avengers who were on their feet seeing him and his rider on his back. He signed them to keep their voices down as he gently placed a half-asleep and still mumbling Rose on the sofa.

"She is drunk." Loki said before anyone could say something.

"And why the hell is she drunk? Who allowed her to drink?" Bruce asked, a bit angry. Rose didn't look good. Her cheeks were flushed. She was whimpering and couldn't open her eyes.

Natasha noticed Tony gulping. "Jarvis dim the lights." She said and walked near Tony to wrap her arm around his neck. "Maybe Tony has something to say to us, right?"

Tony groaned as all the eyes turned on him. "Alright! I gave Lucy two bottles from my store. It's a party afterall."

"And which one you gave her Stark?" Bruce asked, glaring at him.

Tony gulped again. "...sunset rum."

Natasha and Bruce's eyes widened. Thor just kept sitting beside a weirdly smiling and dozing Rose, listening to the argument with rapt attention.

"God! You know right how strong that drink is? And how much did she drink Loki?" Natasha asked staring at Loki.

"More than half a bottle."

Bruce slapped Tony's back. "Then how didn't she pass out? And she should have-" before he could complete his statement, Rose's eyes flew open and she threw up on the floor.

"...puked..." Bruce completed.

Thor and Loki kneeled beside her as she continued to heave and giggle and hiccup. Thor rubbed her back while Loki held on her hair out of her face. Tony quickly brought a glass of water which Loki held it to her lips till she gulped it down. With a swipe of his hand, the mess vanished.

Rose looked up at the team and scrunched up her nose, her eyes glassy but the pupils were less dilated than before.

"Argh! Why are there two-two of eveweone?" She asked, rubbing her eyes. "And... where ish Tom Hiddle'ton? Imma *hic*I gonna marry him..." She mumbled, grinning widely.

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