Day Full Of Mischief

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A soft kiss on lips woke Loki up from his peaceful slumber. Not that he minded but instead kept his eyes close hoping for another smooch on lips.

Rose smiled and kissed him again and this time, he opened his eyes, his glazed lush green orbs meeting her twinkling aqua ones.

"Good morning, my gorgeous." He whispered, his voice deep and husky that made her shiver in pleasure. "A very good morning, my handsome." She greeted back and pecked his cheek.

"Happy birthday, love." She wished him and giggled seeing his eyes widen.
"Who told you about it?" He asked to which she shrugged.

"Walls have ears, you know. And if it wasn't your birthday today..." She bit down on her bottom lip seductively, trailing her finger down his jaw. "I would have whipped your ass. How can you not tell me about your birthday?"

"Because I wanted it to be a surprise. I have some planning..." He groaned softly and she huffed. "Look at you... birthday is yours and surprises are for someone else." She shook her head and kissed his nose. "Well... Maybe I can surprise you too." She smirked. Loki grinned. "I'll look forward to it."

Rose pulled him up from the bed and he whined. "Can't we sleep more? Five minutes?" She shook her head. "Nope. It's a special day for you and you should rise and shine! Now wipe off that pout and smile." She pulled his cheeks.

"We could have cuddled more... And sleep for more an hour..." He grumbled.

"Or we could have taken a bath together..." Rose offered and hid her smile seeing Loki's eyes glinting. "But..." She sighed mockingly. "You want to sleep and unfortunately-"

"No no! It's fine!" Loki jumped out of the bed with an excited grin. "Who wants to sleep? Not me for sure! I wanna rise and shine and...ehehe bath." He smiled shyly when Rose burst out chuckling.

"Oh dear!" She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. "You're adorable birthday boy. What are we waiting for?" She winked.

"Is this an offer valid only for my birthday?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. She pretended to think and then nodded. "Yep."

"I'm gonna celebrate my birthday everyday then." He sighed as he scooped her up in his arms, so suddenly that she yelped, surprised.

"Loki!" She smacked his arm. "Just warn me before doing that!" Loki smirked down at her.

"Aww! But where is the fun in that? I love to see you squeaking like a mouse."

"Mouse!!" She gasped as they neared the pool. "It's an insult! I'm a cat!"

"Chu! Chu! Chu!" He teased her, making mouse noises and laughed seeing her pout angrily.

"Just wait till the day gets over!" She grumbled, her hands wrapped up around his neck. "I'll surely spank you so- AAAAHH!!!"


"EHEHEHEHE!!" Loki cackled madly, holding his sides, gasping for breath as he laughed hard.

Rose spit out water and growled angrily as she brushed away the wet curls from her face. Her nightdress, now completely wet, stuck to her body like a second skin.

This Trickster!! I should have seen it coming!

"I'll KILL you!"

"That was HILARIOUS!!"

"Hilarious!? Just wait till I come out- EEEK!!" Rose couldn't complete her threat. It seems the prankster was not done with his mischief. He jumped in the pool beside her, sending a big splash of water all over her as she shrieked loudly.

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