Nice To Meet You Again...

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Loki POV

"Behave properly, brother." Thor whispered, yet again before stepping out of a small, metal room which carried us down from the terrace to which floor I don't know.

As soon as he stepped in the room, an angelic voice floated in the air. "Brother! You are back!" And two hands covered in black wrapped around Thor. "Hello sister!" Thor laughed, returning the hug. I couldn't see the mortal and I'm sure she didn't see me too as I was behind Thor, his barrel like body hiding my lean frame.

But others didn't fail to notice me and were ready with their arms and weapons to attack. Ehehehe, I like this.

After they broke the hug, there was silence for a while when that melodious voice came again. "What the hell, guys! Are you going to attack him?"

"Move back, Kid." The man I defenestrated during my last visit spoke up gruffly. By the way, what is his name? Something Tiny-

"But..." "Come to us, Rose." The shield-man ordered the girl. I decided to get a better view of the scene in front of me and came to light. "Why did you bring him here, Thor?" Barton sneered (see! I remember his name!), pointing his arrow at me, making me laugh inwards.

"Whom you all are talking-" The source of voice turned around to face me and stopped between her lines.

I haven't seen her before, have I? A new joiner maybe...

Great! More punies I've to tolerate.

I stared at her, taking in her weird but appealing appearance. She was fully clad in black, from head to toe. The costume fitted her body like second skin, showing every perfect curves of her lean and medium stature. Two violet colour, petal-shape were present in place of her eyes. No facial features were visible. And there were... two pointed ears on her head.  Weird!!

She raised her hands , which were glowing violet, preparing for attack. "Why is he here, brother? Is he controlling you?" She asked lowering her voice.

Use of the term ' brother ' for Thor and that too from a young girl, amused me. I never dreamt that some girl will call Thor brother instead of swooning over him. Weird but interesting!

Then suddenly, that girl removed that damned muzzle from my mouth, with a wave of her glowing hands. What a relief! I massaged my jaws all the while glaring at the Avengers, hurdled together again to fight me.

Well... I didn't greet anyone. Where are my manners? "Nice to meet you again, mortals. Hope you didn't forget me?" I greeted coldly, giving them one of my most evil smirks. I saw the girl shiver a little.

"What was that for, Rose?" The red headed Agent asked her. Oh! Her name's Rose then. "We need explanation from him too, Nat." She replied, still facing me. I ignored them and started to take in my surroundings.

I hope these Midgardians don't allow me to stay here. Then Odin and mother will have no other choice and will be forced to call me back to Asgard. Maybe if I try to kill one of them, they will throw me and Thor out.

I was missing my cell.

I was looking at the colourful ceiling when suddenly I sensed something ticklish and uncomfortable inside my mind.

Someone was trying to invade my mind!

I closed my eyes and surged a wave of energy , forcing the intruder out when someone screamed in pain.

I opened my eyes to find that black-clad girl holding her head tightly and whimpering while all other Avengers rushed to her aid.

Did that filthy worm really think she can get into my mind? Silly girl.

"What did you do, brother?" Thor yelled angrily.
"Tell that filthy leech to stop trying to INVADE MY MIND!" I growled but stopped when I felt the bracelet becoming warm.

What the- Oh mother! But it's simply the girl's fault! Then why the heck it's becoming hot!!

"Whom are you calling leech you PALE, ROTTEN CORPSE!" She yelled at me and placed the muzzle back on my mouth with a flick of her hand. I growled, my fingers twitching to snap her neck.

That mewling quim! I will torture her to death, if I get that holy chance...

The others gave her a look of applause and again retired to their mundane arguments. I didn't get to hear all the talking, but the words 'monster' and 'Pschycopath' came to my ears a number of time.

While I prayed to the Norns, I felt the girl's eyes on me. I ignored her.

After sometime, it was decided that I will be staying with these peasants. Are they really so stupid that they plan to keep their enemy under one roof!?

"He should stay in 27th floor. The whole floor is vacant." The tin-man suggested. That will be a good thing indeed, to stay away from these pitiful earthlings.

"It will be unwise to let him stay alone. We won't know what he will do." Banner said, watching me from the corner of the eye. Shit!! He's gonna pay for that. I will wipe him out before he turns into that green beast.

My back still aches thinking about that deranged green monster.

"There are two more rooms vacant. One is beside Client's and another one is in front of Rose's. So Barton... " Agent red-head trailed off.

Barton! Aw naw! Can this get any worse?

"No. Nay. Nah. He won't stay near me. Nope." Barton announced, plopping on the couch. I relaxed a bit. I hope they throw me out then.

"Then Rose it is." Banner confirmed.

"What?!" The girl leaped up and so did I but all that came out of my mouth was a stupid mhmph.

"NO!!" the tin-man and captain protested together, worried. "She's just a child! I can't take the risk." Iron-man objected. "What if je sneaks up on her and kills her in her sleep."

The girl squealed, scared.

Tin doesn't know how to make someone feel safe.

"I am not a child! I am 20! A-and if it's needed then he can stay in that r-room." The black clad girl said, her voice wavering. Marvellous!! I made her scared!

"But Rose-" Captain was cut off by Thor. "Don't worry captain. I won't let any harm come to my sister. I promise." He announced, smiling at the girl.

Wait... So am I really staying here? It has to be a dream! It can't be true!

"Ok. It's settled then. Reindeer Games will stay in that room." The girl laughed at my nickname irritating me more. Oh! How I wish to make her beg for her life when I- "And remember one thing." I was cut off from my horrible thinking by the tin-man, who sneered at my face. "Hurt her and I won't leave you in any condition to breathe." He growled making me raise an eyebrow in amusement.

"Thor take him and show him his room. And get refreshed. Dinner will be ready." Thor nodded and asked his 'sister' to remove my restraints and she did that while I stared at her blankly, rubbing my sore wrists and followed Thor out of the room. While leaving, I can still feel the stares boring into my back.

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