Present Day

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After 6 years...

"NOOoooooo!! " Rose woke up with a gasp , covered in sweat... She looked frantically around her present surrounding, her room. A small room but safe for her.

She sighed and got up as, it was already 7 am. After washing her face with cold water she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She winced seeing herself and cursed her appearance. It has given her nothing but problems. How she hated God for making her what she is...

Enough sulking.
Sulking can't change anything.
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Suddenly her body was engulfed in a soft white light and her appearance changed. Thank God, she has 2 different bodies. It's better to show this form to the world rather than the one she hated so much...

She sighed and smiled. Today was an important day for her...


"So you are Rosabelle. " Mrs. Briggs cocked an eyebrow and stared at her...

Rose was of average height, thin yet fit. Her caramel coloured straight hair reached upto her shoulder blade. She licked her faded red lips showing that she was nervous.. Her sapphire eyes were casted down hidden by her thick, long lashes. Overall, she was very cute with a child-like innocence.

"So my child, what's your surname? I haven't seen you in New York before. Are you new here ?"

"Ma'am, I don't have a surname. I am an orphan and I don't know anything about my parents.. I was given my name in an orphanage. They didn't bother to give me any surname. I lived there till I was 18 when they decided to throw him out.. On my request they kept me there for more 2 years...And then they threw me out." Her voice shook at the end.

Mrs. Briggs felt bad for her. "So you want a job here as a cook. Are you confirmed dear? This is one of the famous restaurants in New York. Even the Avengers come here sometimes to eat our special shawarma since that New York incident-" She stopped to stare at the girl's face. It was full of confusion.

"Oh dear! don't say that you don't know the Avengers and about the attack." She sighed seeing Rose blush and shook her head 'no'.

"Oh God!" she chuckled, "No need to feel embarrassed. Come from tomorrow and I will tell you everything about them." Rose took some seconds to process the words. On getting what the chef said ,her face broke into a smile and tears filled her eyes.

"Thank you Ma'am. Thank you so so much. I will try my best to please you." Mrs. Briggs smiled and cupped her face " No need dear. Don't call me Ma'am. Call me Aunt Sue. From today don't feel that you are alone. I am with you." Tears of happiness streamed down her face and she hugged the old chef.

She is not alone now...

She got a chance to start a new life...

Perfect day...

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