Welcome To Asgard

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Rose POV

Ever had the experience of being sucked into some sort of vaccum with such a fucking force that it threatens to rip out your internals from your body while your lovely boyfriend and brother chuckle at your distressed screams?

No right?
Trust me, it's a horrible experience.

Loki and Thor could have warned me beforehand but they didn't and here I am, screeching my head off while clinging to Loki's body like some weird koala, my arms and legs wrapped around him. He tried to comfort me but all I could hear was the whirring sound and loud ZOOP!

Fortunately, that 'being sucked in a tunnel' sensation vanished and all came to a standstill except for my screeches. Blood pounded in my ears as the food I had ate in breakfast, started to revolt inside me. I didn't even noticed that my eyes were still squeezed shut when Loki's smooth voice reached my ears.

"Love, you can open your eyes now and climb down." I felt him lowering himself and I slowly got on my feet. Opening my eyes, I met with such a beautiful sight that for a fraction of second, I doubted my living existence and thought I was in heaven. I gaped around, the nauseousness forgotten for a moment when-

"Welcome back, my Princes." A deep unfamiliar voice startled me as I whiped my head to face a tall, dark and heavily built man covered in some typical gold armour and a horned helmet which was worse than Loki's one. Well, I liked my Lemon's helmet but this person's one was not so good. His hand rested on a big sword. But what caught me off guard was his eyes. They were like molten gold, glittering like fire. "Welcome to Asgard, lady Rosebelle." He greeted me too with a slight nod.

"Umm... Hi..n-nice to meet you, sir." I stammered trying to smile politely but failing miserably. He is intimidating me. But how does he know my name?
"Sister, he is Heimdall. He is the protector of bifrost. He keeps an eye on everyone in the whole nine realms." Thor said, smiling. I nodded and looked up at Loki, Thor and then back to Heimdall to find all of them staring at me amused.

"So... You can see anything Mr. Heimdall?" I asked, still shifting uncomfortably on my feet. Is it wrong that I am being scared of him? He nodded. "Anything."
"I mean anything?"
"Yes anything." He answered, his face covered with unsaid amusement. But I didn't care about that because my not-so-innocent mind was flashing some idiotic thoughts. He can see everything. That means he can watch ladies bath and couples making love and soo many things that should be done in private.
Just thinking about these things made me feel exposed and uncomfortable.

I shuddered when Loki placed his hand on my back. "We should get going." He said, to Heimdall and Thor. "Your horses are waiting for you, Princes."
Wait a second, horses!? They have horses here! Maybe they have cows too. Or goats or llamas...

But I didn't have the chance to ask about it when Loki started pushing me to start walking. But I stopped again as I took a good look of the dome like structure we were in at the moment. "Are those stars?" I asked to no one in particular, pointing to the entrance from where we supposedly reached here.

"Yeah, they are. Billions of stars and other heavenly bodies." Loki answered, staring at me. I nodded. It looked so beautiful! Much more beautiful than our night sky. "And are these gold?" I asked again, staring at the shining golden surface of the room and floor. To my utter surprise, both of the brothers and Heimdall nodded.

JESUS! Even the floor is made of fucking solid gold!!

"And are-"

"Sister, store your questions for future for you're not leaving so soon." Thor interrupted me as Loki started pushing me again. I huffed. Can't they answer my questions patiently? Before, we were out of the dome, I waved at Heimdall. "Bye! See you soon Mr. Heimdall!" To my delight, he waved at me back.

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