Not so bad...

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Loki POV

"Is it paining? And please... answer nicely." She asked, concern dripping from her voice.

I huffed and nodded. "Yes it is. A lot."

She sighed. "I-I should have put you under an anaesthesia. But I don't even know if that will work on you." She dropped her head in her hands. "... I know that's stupid but I'm nervous in case of you know... syringes and needles..." She mumbled.

I was confused. "What is syringe and anaes- what are those?" I can't even name it properly.

She shot her head up to look at me. I couldn't see her expression but I'm sure she's surprised.

"You don't know what's a syringe?? Don't you have them in erm...Assgard?"
"It's Asgard and no. I clearly don't have any idea what you're talking about." I said.

"Then no need to know. They are horrible things. God! You all are so lucky!!"

"Thank you and...sorry." I said softly, rubbing my eyes.

"For what?" She came closer to my bed, dragging the chair.

"For patching me up and... crying for me. And sorry for what I've done till now to hurt you. I know that it's tough for you to forgive me and I want you to- "

"I forgave you, Loki."

I turned my head to face her, surprised. "What?"

"It's ok! I forgave you the moment I shot you. Will you forgive me now?"

I nodded, still a bit stupified.

"And I'm sorry for saying those things. It was really mean. I should have thought twice-"

"You spoke the truth. It's the truth. No need for apologies." I tried to smile but it came out as a grimace.

The way she had compared me with Thor was nothing new but still... It hurts.

"No no! I'm a fool! And those were lies. Stupid lies." She smiled slightly and patted my arm. "You're good. Maybe a bit rude and scary but I know that you're someone else other than this facade."

I didn't reply. It's just her guilt speaking. Not heart.

"So now, friends?" She extended her hand, chirping.

"Friends?" Did she just now offered her friendship to me. Me!?

"Yeah... I know that I'm only a mortal and too normal for someone royal and godly like you. Maybe your friends are better than me but , there's no harm in being friends, right?"

"I don't have any friends... I never had any." I replied softly, making her go silent. I wanted to laugh at my luck. I never had a enjoying childhood. All I remember is the tiring trainings and my vain tryings to please father.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I-I didn't expect that. But trust me, friends can be great! I too didn't have any friends back when I was in Hydra. I led a lonely life. But then I made Lucy. You met her, right? That crazy girl with Aunt that day! She showed me what a friendship is... You can try it too! Say now..." She extended her hand again. "Can we be friends, your highness?" She teased, chuckling.

Rose POV

He shook my hand. "Friends then, Rosabelle." 

"It's Rose for you." I said, making him smile.

I had seen him smirk, scowl or grin evilly but never smile. It was a pure smile that radiated light, making him look younger and a bit innocent too.

I got up. "Wait. I'll be back in a minute." I left his room and entered mine. I quickly picked up my inpods , mobile phone and a packet of M&Ms and re-entered to find him playing with a lock of his hair.

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