We Don't Talk Anymore...

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A week passed but still Loki doesn't seem to realise his mistake. He thinks that by staying away from the girl he loves too much, he's keeping her safe. But what he isn't realising that he is breaking the already broken girl instead of healing her.

Within two days of that incident, the rest of the inhabitants of the Tower and Lucy and Aunt realised that something is amiss between these two. Even Natasha, being a good spy, couldn't find out the reason of their dispute.

Loki started growing distant and cold and shut himself away from everyone while Rose preferred to spent her days outside the tower with Alex or locking herself in her room, avoiding any discussions.

But whenever enquired, the duo either dodged the questions or pleaded to drop the matter.

'Distance increases love and makes the bond still stronger'...

Inspite of how much they tried, the harder it became for them to forget each other and that too while living under the same roof. Not a single night passed away with a peaceful sleep and a dry pillow. And I don't know who was more miserable- Loki or Rose.

Then one day...

"You're coming right? You have to come Belle." Lucy urged, from the other side of the call.

"I'll definitely come Lucy. How can I miss your birthday! But I'm not sure about the rest. They just returned from a mission and are dead tired." Rose replied, twirling a lock of her hair.

"Steve promised that he'll come. He keeps his promises. And what about... Loki? He didn't have any mission."

Rose clenched her fist as her heart skipped a few beats at the mention of the name. "Don't ask me. I don't know." She replied briefly and heard Lucy sigh.

"Rose, it has been more than a week... C'mon, tell me what's the matter? What happened so suddenly that-"

"Lucy you know that I won't answer you. I just can't!" Rose stopped to take a deep breath.

God! Why can't they just forget this matter?

"Very well then. I'm dropping the topic again. But I'm really offended sis. You used to share everything with me but now..." Rose flinched at her words. But even she herself didn't know what actually happened. Then how the hell will she tell someone about it?

"Lucy... please don't say like that. I just... alright. Let me come. We will talk about it there. Ok?"


"And once again happy birthday sweetheart." Rose wished in a squeaky voice making Lucy laugh. "Thanks pumpkin! See you soon! Bu-Byee!"


Rose let out a long sigh after the call ended. No matter what happens today, she will enjoy the day with Lucy.

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"Are you sure that you won't come?" Rose asked Tony as they pulled back from the hug. "Sadly no kid. I'm really very tired. Thor is already snoring. We all are in need of a power nap."


"But tell miss cracker that we will come over her to meet her someday. And give her my best wishes." Tony said.
"Alright Mr. Stark."

"Hmm...so where are the boys?" Tony thought out aloud and as if on cue, Steve and Loki entered the room.

Loki's eyes stopped at Rose and it took every ounce of his self-will to peel away his eyes from her. She looked gorgeous!

"We should get going." Steve declared, stifling a yawn.
"You're clearly tired Cap." Rose pointed out. "You should take some rest."

Steve shrugged her off. "Oh don't worry. I can do this all day." Tony scoffed.

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