Dang it!

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Rose POV

After we entered aunt's home, I was flanked with questions. Aunt was not angry but a bit upset. Loki has been a great help to me. Whenever I found myself stammering, he jumped in and gave in the false excuses on my behalf.

After showing them my true form and getting expected remarks, everything was quite again. Now, I'm sitting with Pom on my lap and Loki beside me, while Aunt left to cook something for us to eat. Lucy has just left for her work.

I was feeling restless. Very restless. I took deep breaths but my heart was still racing like I have just ran a fucking marathon. And whenever I feel restless, something bad happens soon in the future.

Loki patted my back for comfort, sensing my sudden silence and the growing restlessness and nervousness dimmed a bit.

I don't know why but I feel a strange sensation when I'm around Loki. When he smiles or laughs, my lips turn up too. When he frowns, my heart clenches. It's surprising how I open up myself to him, spilling all my secrets easily. I love the way he cares for me. The way he protects me. The way he makes things easier for me.

But... but that's what BFFs do, right?

God knows, why can't I place our relationship in the category of friendship. Because I don't feel the same with Steve. He's my bestie too...

No. The way my mind takes on a different side when I look at his bright, twinkling emerald gemstones like eyes...it can't be only friendship. It's something more. But what?

"Rose?" I snapped back to the reality when Loki nudged me. "Are you alright?" He asked worried, making me smile.

"Why do you ask?"
"Because you zoned out for a long time."
"Oh that's nothing." I tried to shrugg it off.

"Your lying skills are awfully bad dear." He chuckled, making me roll my eyes. "I just feel restless. That's it. And I feel... something bad is gonna happen." I breathed out a deep sigh, hoping the heaviness will vanish but it didn't.

"As I told you before, you worry too much. And you're an empath. Why don't you calm down yourself?" He suggested, stroking Pom's fur, who was happily napping on his lap now.

I snorted. "I can't use my powers on myself."
Loki clicked his tongue. "Oh! I forgot that! How stupid of me."
"Stupid people talk stupid." I grinned.

"Did you just call me stupid?" He asked, edging closer to me, his right brow raised.

"Isn't it obvious prince?" I teased. He glared playfully at me and then sighed.
"Don't call me that."

"What?" I asked, a bit confused.

" Prince." He huffed, turning his face away. "I'm no longer a prince. I've been stripped off of the title... Serves me right." He shrugged, a sad smile on his lips.
My heart flipped.

Damn it Rosebelle. You've got an extraordinary talent of hurting people.

Without a second thought, I curled my finger under his chin and turned his face towards me. "You are every inch a prince, Loki. The most graceful and regal person I've ever met in my whole life. Trust me, you're more Princy than Thor. And you are now changed and as good as an angel. If your king dad can't see it then I swear by the name of Jesus, I'll whip his ass." I finished, patting his cheek gently.

His eyes were full of wonders and emotions that made my knees shake. He took my hand in his and instead of kissing my knuckles, he kissed my palm.

His lips are sooo sooft!!

I bit back my squeal and managed not to blush.

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