He cares for her...

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Rose has been unconscious for almost half a day now. No change in her condition. According to Loki, she still looked like a living corpse. Avengers discussed and came to an agreement that Aunt Sue and Lucy should not know anything about this incident.

Loki was still sitting beside her, her hand in his, waiting for her to wake up. He denied food and water to the team's dismay. He ignored them except for Bruce which made them feel more guilty.

He had wiped the dried blood from her cheek and ears with a wet cloth. Bruce had replaced her oxygen mask with nasal prongs. Loki's finger itched with curiosity to touch those beeping machines and tubes but Bruce had threatened him that if he touches anything in the room, he will be kicked out.

"You know what Pudding, you are the first one who made me feel so helpless. I hate being helpless." He sighed, playing and twisting a lock of her hair.

He didn't how to help her to wake up soon. If it had been a cut or a wound, he would have fasten the healing process. But in this case, she can't be healed. She has drained herself and now it depends entirely on her body capacity to replenish the lost energy.

He sighed again, and dipped his head down on the bed, still grabbing her hand. Suddenly, her finger twitched.

Loki jumped up, surprised. This is the first movement she did since he arrived here. "Pudding? Pud? Can you hear me?" He whispered, excitedly. Her fingers twitched again and then they were clenched into fist.

"Can you hear me, my love? It's me! Loki! I'm here!" He leaned closer to her, a big smile on his face, one hand caressing her head and the other holding her clenched fist.

But Rose didn't open her eyes. Instead she squeezed them shut more tightly, eyebrows furrowing as if in deep pain. Her dried, pale lips parted and a painful whimper came out. She untangled her hand from his and clenched her head, as tight as her strength permitted.

"Rose? D-darling? What's ha-happening?! Bruce! Bruce!" Loki yelled, panicked, as tears started to leak out from the corners of her closed eyes.
She was now gasping in pain and screeching.

"Hold on love. BRUCE! TONY! BRUCE! COME FAST!" Loki ran towards the doorway yelling and nearly crashed into Bruce who was about to enter the room.

"Woah! Look out man!..." Bruce stopped as he noticed Loki's panicked face.
"What's the matter?"
"She is in pain. Come fast. She is crying..."
"Oh God!" Bruce muttered as they entered the room.

Rose, still in semi-conscious state was now withering in pain, tugging at her hair. Her nose has started to bleed again. Bruce touched her forehead.

"She's burning!" He exclaimed loudly. Loki returned to his old spot and with much effort, pried open her hands from around her hair.

"P-p-painin'....d-dyin'... make it-make it...s-stop..." Rose slurred and tumbled over her words, thrashing her hands away from Loki.

"Hey hey! Pud! It's ok... you will be fine... I'm here." Loki murmured against her sweaty cheeks.

She screamed loudly this time, nearly bursting Loki's eardrums. Tony, Steve and Natasha entered the room and gasped seeing the girl's condition.

"Bruce do something!" Tony rushed to her side, trying to hold down her squirming form. "I'm doing! Don't rush me!" Bruce yelled.

Loki clutched her twisting body in his arms and kissed her forehead. "Loki! Hold her hand!" Bruce ordered, picking up a syringe.

"Wh-what is that? What are you trying to do?" Loki snarled alerted, his pearly teeth baring out. He didn't trust anyone at the moment.

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