A Catch

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Jungkook's P.O.V.


The date had gone so well that I was still having trouble comprehending everything. A date actually went well? For once? It nearly had me spacing out while driving her home. She wasn't crazy, stuck on her ex, or boring either. She was easy on the eyes, kind, and up front about everything. Usually everyone who goes on dating apps are only down to get dirty. I have to admit that I've fallen down that route more than a handful of times myself. Except this time I was looking for something new and I think I struck gold. So soon? It didn't feel real. This couldn't be real. There had to be some catch that was just waiting to slap me back into reality.

I was waiting for it the entire time. From the minute the date started, I was on edge about this girl. Do (F/n). We matched and messaged each other briefly over the phone when one day we just decided to meet up for dinner. She stated right away that she was looking for something serious. So was I. If it didn't work out then no big deal. We were going into it pretty casually to the point where it felt suspicious. She's gotta be crazy, right? Maybe she wants to steal my kidneys and sell them on the black market. Maybe my story might become a part of those 'Top Ten Dating Horror Stories' you see floating around on YouTube. This date just might make me famous! Dead, but famous.

There were a lot of pros and cons with my thought process. Either way, I wasn't too worried for my wellbeing as I went into this date. All I cared about was checking if this girl actually looked like the one in the photos. If she didn't, I'm walking out. That was my main thought as I sat anxiously in the booth. I didn't even get to be impatient and tap my fingers on the table. While I arrived early, she came punctual. She looked exactly like her photos yet much better in person. They didn't nearly do her any justice. I was at a loss for words when she sat at my table. I'm on a date with her? I was sweating in my white t-shirt and jeans while she wore a pantsuit after coming out of work.

She apologized for not changing out, but it's not like I looked amazing. How could she make a pantsuit look so good? There had to be a catch. I knew there was one as we took a hold of the menu. But she passed the test. She ordered food I liked too! We can agree on food which is great, but maybe she has bad manners. No. That wasn't it either. (F/n) only continued to prove herself to be...perfectly normal. She could hold a conversation with me despite my occasional awkward and shy bumps. She knew exactly how to talk to me. She ordered our food, took care of me the entire time, and basically led the date. I chalked it all up to her being older than me and feeling responsible.

She's five years older than me making her twenty-eight. I'm twenty-three and I've always kind of liked older girls. She was a lot older than I was used to, but I didn't mind. I just hoped I wasn't too young for her in her eyes. The date was going well in my opinion. I could already picture a second date as I forgot to look out for the catch. I was entranced by her charm and by how smoothly the date went. And that's how it got to me driving her home since her sister borrowed her car. Me lost in a daze, struggling to understand how great the date had gone. She's perfect. I couldn't find a single flaw in her from our first date though I knew there had to be one. Right? Or is she the one?

"This is me." She smiled, unbuckling her seat as I parked my car in front of her place. She lived in a decently sized apartment. They looked really nice from the outside. Just from what she talked about from work alone, I knew she had to be paid well. She was impressing me more by the minute.

"Let me walk you to the door." I insisted. I wanted to be a gentleman like my parents had raised me to be. That's a bit of lie, not that it matters. What matters is that saying this made her smile grow! Anyway, I walked (F/n) up to her door and didn't think much of the sign that said 'townhouses available for rent' for some reason. It wasn't something I thought about more than twice when looking at her 'apartment'. (F/n) unlocked her door, barely opening it when she looked back at me. It wasn't in a suggestive way or anything like that. She remained calm with a kind look in her eyes.

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