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Work is going to drive you insane at some point. Honestly, it already has with how demanding it can be. That's always frustrating though you suppose the money helped. It was just irritating knowing that Yejun was suspended for one day while his bully was probably back in school. It had you fuming the longer you thought about it. Jungkook mentioned that Yejun's bully was a girl, but you didn't worry all too much about that. Younger kids aren't afraid to wrestle and start sh*t. Yejun just decided to finish it though you knew this wasn't a habit you wanted him having as he grew older. At least he was learning from his mistakes thanks to Jungkook. He once again saved you by offering to watch Yejun this day and came early in the morning just how Taehyung used to.

Seriously, Jungkook has been incredibly helpful. Picking up Yejun earlier when he must have been doing his own thing. The way he would drop everything to give you a hand was touching. You smiled a lot when thinking about how much Jungkook did for your family. He was the absolute sweetest person. He was so kind and patient to Yejun that it made your heart impossibly warm. It's the best thing to witness. Then it's adorable how much he tries to be helpful to you as well. Even though you prefer his help to remain outside of the kitchen. You haven't forgotten the dish washing disaster.

Jungkook is cute. You felt strange thinking that, but it was fitting. It just wasn't in the sense where you were wanting to date him. There were no romantic feelings and there never really were any. The opportunity for that was long gone. Plus Jungkook said himself that he wasn't interested in dating anyone. He's going to focus on himself which is good. As for you, there was a man in your life. Apparently. You really don't know what was going on. Namjoon and you had a second date planned though you were hesitant to call him a boyfriend. Even the idea of doing so...felt off. You didn't know why.

The two of you haven't really labelled yourselves anything. You figured that was why. It's been so long since you've been in the dating game that you felt like you had no idea what you were doing. Namjoon is a good man though. You knew that for certain from every interaction you've had with him. He's nice. You softly shook your head, realizing you shouldn't be too lost in your thoughts during work. The last thing you needed was Munhee suddenly coming and getting on your back about it. It was near the end of the day so you didn't need to worry too much about that. The only thing left for you to do was finish writing up a few emails to the account manager when the phone started ringing.

"Hello?" You brought it to your ear, reading 'front desk' on the office phone. The cord stretched as you kept typing to hear Eunae's voice.

"Hey, (F/n)! Something arrived for you at the front desk. You should come here to check it out," She said, making you slow down on your typing.

"Is it a return? Can't you just bring it? Or leave it there if you're busy. I'll get it after I finish this email." You didn't budge.

"No, it's a gift. You should really come up's awkward keeping it here." Eunae chuckled awkwardly.

A gift?

That was not what you were expecting in the slightest. A gift for you? Right away it made you wonder who it could be from. Was it a gift from a client? That was possible. You only thanked Eunae for letting you know. The email could wait to be finished. There was still half an hour left before the workday finishes. Putting the phone back, you got up from your chair to head towards the office. What kind of gift did you receive that it was making Eunae feel awkward? You walked down the hall with no expectations when you noticed a large bouquet of flowers being held by Eunae. Freezing in your spot, you watched her wave at you.

"People keep asking me if my nonexistent boyfriend bought me these." Eunae held it out towards you. "Someone delivered it to you though."

"Me? Really?" You were so surprised. This didn't feel real. You walked closer to Eunae to take the bouquet in your arms. It was absolutely gorgeous with a card in between the red roses. Grabbing the card, you took it out to read. Eunae was curious as she watched your reaction. "Excited for our second date, Namjoon."

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