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Coming here was always a mistake so how come he kept making it? You think by now that Jungkook would know better. It was a lesson he refused to learn. Mainly because Hoseok was here. Hoseok was the only good thing about Sunshine in a Cup. Everything would always be fine up until Seokjin got hired. Now Jungkook acknowledged that the tension between him and Seokjin wasn't as strong as it used to be. The two had acquired a unique friendship. One that was constantly questioned depending on the day. Today was one of the days where Jungkook wasn't too hard on Seokjin. Apparently the most recent 'love of his life' was allergic to dogs. The minute Seokjin found that out, he knew it wouldn't work out.

He's been sobbing for the past ten minutes. It was ridiculous how emotional he could get over news like that. How invested was he in this girl who he only knew for three hours at most? That part would never make sense to Jungkook and then Hoseok refused to give the male sympathy. That left Jungkook in charge of making sure Seokjin pulled himself together. Jungkook really didn't mind. The only thing that bugged him was when Seokjin would ask Jungkook if he ever related to his issues. That would just remind Jungkook of the one relationship he had. A girlfriend he chose to forget. She now left a bitter tase in his mouth.

Jungkook didn't even want to waste a second thinking about her. All he cared about was you. You were the future he was aiming for. Even if he had no idea how you fit and his hesitance towards committing to everything you came with. That meaning...Yejun. The whole thing was complicated. Really, the only thing Jungkook knew was that he had a huge crush on you. It was impossible not to when you had your life together. You were so admirable and impressive in Jungkook's eyes. You had the whole adult thing down! You weren't a bitter adult either. There was still a glow around you that Jungkook couldn't explain. He wished to turn out the same. But any time he talked about this to Hoseok, his friend stared at him like he was crazy.

Do (F/n), what were you doing to Jeon Jungkook?

"Are you even listening to me!?" Seokjin shoved Jungkook. That was one way to pull Jungkook back into the moment. He nearly fell off his stool from the push. Thankfully Jungkook was able to catch himself before falling onto the ground. He had to claw at everything around him for his dear life, but Jungkook survived. He quickly glared at Seokjin. His teeth were gritted and he really couldn't care less if Seokjin was heartbroken right now. "Jungkookie! Your hyung is in pain!" Seokjin had a heavy pout on his face.

"B*tch, I will show you what real pain is!" Jungkook snarled.

"Both of you better not fight in my shop or else!" Hoseok stopped hiding in the back. He came running the moment he heard yelling instead of crying. Hoseok slammed his hands on the doorframe of the back door to catch their attention. Jungkook and Seokjin sat stiffly in their seats, lips pursed tightly. "I swear to god, the two of you are way too comfortable here."

"I'm just trying to get over a breakup and h-heal!" Seokjin whimpered. He grabbed another napkin to blow his nose almost comically. Hoseok scrunched his face up meanwhile Jungkook remained unamused.

"She literally meant nothing to you!" Jungkook huffed. Immediately this got Seokjin to clutch his chest and gasp dramatically. "God, I didn't even come here to cheer you up! I came here to talk about ME!"

"Wow. What a friend." Hoseok slow clapped.

"At least I don't stand twenty-feet away any time this one has his break downs." Jungkook pointed his thumb at the man child next to him.

"I am not—nngh gross ugh—having a break down! Brat!" Seokjin flung his used napkin into the trash. It was a disgusting sight that made Hoseok feel sick. He really regretted hiring Seokjin at times like this. What was he thinking? He could have sworn Seokjin was a decent person during the interview. Then again, the man had a girlfriend at the time. "And what do you mean you came here to talk about yourself? You always come here because you want Hoseok to feed you and give you a hug."

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