Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets

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It was a concern of Jungkook's though not one he needed to worry about. Just yesterday, Jungkook had a conversation with you over the phone. It brought out a lot of things from him that he didn't know how to react to hours later. He still couldn't exactly piece together why he had panicked so much. Just the mention of your son had his skin on fire. Somehow he was lightheaded and turning pale which wasn't a good sign while driving. He had to pull over to collect himself. While it was worrying and confusing on why he had reacted that way, he was left content with how the conversation ended.

The memories of it were enough to make him smile. You were thankful for him? Really? This had Jungkook in a state of euphoria for the rest of that day. He came home, ordered take out, and giggled to himself for hours. He just couldn't believe it. He hasn't done much but you were already thankful to have him as a friend? Well, he's going to be the best d*mn friend you ever had then. He's going to take that number one spot and defeat anyone who gets in the way! But that was a lot of his competitive nature doing the talking.

All of that eventually came crashing down when his mind returned to the way he panicked over the mention of your son. Right, that happened. That didn't leave him feeling so good when he thought about it. He just couldn't understand why he had to panic like that. It wasn't that big of a deal. You're talking about your son. Yejun. He doesn't even know about Jungkook's existence. For now. That's when Jungkook felt it again as his stomach flipped, nerves poking into his skin like needles. Eventually the two of them are going to meet face to face. When?

That was going to be an inevitable moment. As scary as it was, Jungkook knew it would have to happen if he's going to be your friend. How could he be scared so much of a five year old he's never even met before? To be fair, Jungkook's experiences with little kids have been little to none. His cousins were all around his age so he never had to deal with someone significantly younger than him. Plus, he got along well with older people. That's why Hoseok was older and then there was you. He didn't find himself around people younger or even his age that much. Then his online video game friends were in their mid-thirties. It's always been him who was the youngest. Was that why he was nervous to meet Yejun?

Again, he wasn't sure to no surprise. Aside from that though, it did bring another thought into his mind. Hoseok. The two of them ended their last chat on a rough note. Looking back on it now had Jungkook groaning and wanting to roll his eyes. Why did they have to argue? He wants his best friend to whine to. They can get over this fight as long as they talk it out. Jungkook was certain of that and if not, he was going to be the bigger person and just apologize. Whether he meant it or not. Jungkook just wanted his whining rights back because he needed to sort out his feelings about possibly meeting Yejun. So with slight hesitation, Jungkook drove to Hoseok's coffee shop as always.

The familiar route took him less than fifteen minutes to arrive. The shop was open to the public so hopefully they wouldn't fight again in front of others. Jungkook was wishing that got Hoseok and him to think more logically. The place didn't look too busy. Jungkook got out of his car, rolling his shoulders before walking up to the shop. Hoseok lifted his head up when he heard the door ring at someone entering. He flashed a smile, ready to greet the customer until he noticed who exactly it was. The happy expression vanished in seconds as he gave Jungkook a tired look.


"You've been replaced," Hoseok started as Jungkook nearly choked on air. He's barely gotten a word out only to discover this!? Replaced? What the hell is Hoseok going on about? A dramatic scoff left Jungkook, waiting for Hoseok to take back what he said. He never did though. All Hoseok did was take a step back and gesture a man wearing the work uniform. "Replaced."

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