Mother & Son

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The day felt a lot harder for some reason. It hadn't even started too. From the moment you woke up, you just wanted time to rewind. Today wasn't the day you had been secretly dreading. No. Not at all! But who were you kidding? This had very obviously been stuck in your head for the past month. It was also stuck in Yejun's head seeing as how everyone around him spoke highly of kindergarten. His own curiosity of the place was growing. Every older person he knew had been there and told him it was fun. He wanted to check this place out himself. Today was the day that he could finally do so. And unlike most days, Yejun managed to wake up early and ran straight into your room. He was still in his pajamas as entered while your sleepy form was under the covers.

Truthfully, your sleep that night had been on and off. The reality of the situation was making it harder than it needed to be. What you needed was just one peaceful night of rest for this big day. It must have been too big of a wish to make since you were trying to shut your eyes tight and fall asleep before the alarm told you your time was up. The only thing you could focus on though was Yejun actually going to school now and how much time you had left to sleep. Both were equally stressing you out which made sleep impossible. It didn't help that Yejun decided jumping on you would be a good idea. Already, your morning was completely draining.

"EOMMA!" Yejun squirmed on top of you. He moved to the side, his hands shaking you in an attempt to wake you despite you being more than awake at this point. "Wake up! It's my first day!"

"I'm up." You turned on your side with your eyes shut.

"Eomma~!" Yejun giggled. "You're sleeping! You have to open your eyes!" Yejun stood up on your bed as he began to jump. The bed started to bounce, forcing you to open your eyes like your son wanted. He was hopping around until you sat up to wrap your arms around him. He squealed right away when you pulled him down to snuggle with you. Yejun grinned, letting you shower him in kisses.

"My precious baby." You cooed, giving him a big kiss on the cheek.

You would much rather cuddle with your baby than drop him off at kindergarten. This was sounding like a better idea already although Yejun was set on going to kindergarten. He's heard about it so much that it was all he could think about. No matter how much you hugged your son, he was finding his way out as he told you to get ready. You would be dropping him off at school and then going to work straight after. You had to get ready for the day anyway. This really sucked, but you told yourself that you would be fine. It was going to be hard for sure. You just promised to yourself that you wouldn't cry about it. What Yejun needs is for you to be strong and if you show him it's no big deal then hopefully he won't cry either when you wave goodbye to him.

It was a lot of pressure to set the example. As long as you keep mentally preparing for the drop off then everything will be fine. Yejun was one step ahead of you the entire time you were trying to get ready. He hurried to change into the school uniform for today. His backpack was prepared along with his lunch box that he rushed to get from the fridge. You wanted his excitement to rub off you. Hopefully that could make this day a little easier on you. Yejun sat on your bed, talking nonstop as you did a little bit of your makeup. You had already changed into clothes more suitable for work and brushed your hair. Makeup was going to be extremely light today. Definitely nothing around the eyes in case you tear up. You really didn't want anyone asking about smudged eyeliner or mascara dripping.

Yejun followed you to the kitchen as soon as you were finished. He was still talking though a lot of his words were sounding blended in together. He wasn't stopping anytime with his excitement, but it was amusing to hear. Yejun stuttered a few times as well though that didn't dishearten him. He stayed trailing behind you in the kitchen as you prepared breakfast for the two of you. Normally you would wake up earlier except you were entering work a little later to drop Yejun off at school. After today, Taehyung would be doing the favor of bringing Yejun to school for you and taking care of him after too. That boy does so much for the two of you. He's earned himself a lot of pocket money from this job alone. When you asked him what he was saving up for, he only told you it was a secret.

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