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(A/n: Do Yejun played by Kwon Eunseong)


"Go Yejun!" Jimin shouted. He had his hands cupped around his mouth, trying to be louder than the group of cheerleaders rooting for his friends.

It was another day in the kindergarten. The last recess of the day was proving to be the wildest one. An intense game of soccer broke out. Everyone was watching the players on the small field. No one bothered to play on the playground or draw with the chalk. Kids were either watching in the sandbox or sitting on the benches. They had picked their sides, screaming as if they were watching a professional game. The reason this particular game was so crazy was because the two teams had been stuck in a tie for so long. That easily had the kindergartners watching holding their breath.

The pressure was on. Yejun's teammates were relying on him to make a last minute goal. They knew he could do it. Then there was Jaehee who was refusing to let that happen. He was always following Yejun and sticking by his side. He kept kicking the ball away and trying to steal it from Yejun. Their rivalry was clear on the soccer field. The only reason Yejun was taking it so seriously was only because of how hard Jimin was cheering for him and he was up against Jaehee. The last time Jaehee caused trouble, it ended with Jimin going home. It had scared and angered him.

Now he refused to show Jaehee any mercy. Yejun was running as hard as he could to get Jaehee off his trail. He didn't want to be followed so closely. Other team members were passing the ball closer towards the goal Yejun needed to kick in. The cheers from Jimin motivated him to do his best. Even when Jaehee randomly appeared by his side. What? Yejun's eyes widened to see Jaehee stick his leg out in front of Yejun. It happened quick, but Yejun acted on his reflexes by hopping over to the other boy's dismay. That was a dirty trick!

But it did nothing to stop Yejun in the long run. Jaehee was left alone on the field while his team members struggled to get the ball. Yejun kept running closer to the goal as the ball was finally passed to him. His cheerleaders were going crazy. Overall, the entire grade of five-year-olds were losing it. They were no longer cheering or booing sides. At this point all they could do was scream as they witnessed Yejun kick the ball into the goal. It hit the net roughly, his teammates erupting into screams of their own. They were all bouncing as Yejun looked over at Jimin with a smile. He did it!

"Yejun is the best at soccer!!" So many kids were shouting. Yejun couldn't stop feeling the joy in his chest. Jimin was clapping his hands with Pye in his arms. Yejun took a step toward them when he heard Jaehee shout.

"This isn't fair!" Jaehee got everyone to be quiet. The field cleared of the players, leaving Yejun to now walk towards his bully.

"You lost!" Yejun huffed. He balled his hands into fists, the two children giving each other dirty looks. "You tried to trip me!"

"No!" Jaehee lied.

"Yes, you did!" Yejun stomped his foot. "You're just mad I'm good at soccer and you're not! Too bad!"

"You're stupid!" Jaehee quickly blurted out. It took Yejun by surprise almost immediately. They were talking about soccer and now...he stood uncomfortable on the grass. The entire class was watching with interest. The only one unhappy with the sight was Jimin as he carefully made his way to get a better view of them. The class was starting to circle around the two as they yelled at each other.

"I'm not stupid." Yejun shook his head.

"Yes, you are! You're dumb! Stupid! A big idiot!" Jaehee stuck his tongue out at Yejun. The other students were listening in shock. They couldn't imagine saying the words that were leaving Jaehee's mouth. Even Yejun was taken aback. He knew you would scold him if you caught him being this rude to another person. What was Jaehee so mean for? What did he do? Yejun pursed his lips, shaking his head. "You can't read at all! It's easy!"

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